windows mail是什么意思 windows mail的中文翻译、读音、例句

windows mail是什么意思 windows mail的中文翻译、读音、例句

Windows Mail是Windows操作系统中默认安装的邮件客户端,下面从三个方面来展开说明:

1. 功能:

Windows Mail提供了收发邮件、管理邮件、创建电子邮件、设置自动回复、自动分类等多项功能,同时也支持多种邮件协议和格式,如POP3、SMTP、IMAP、HTML、RTF等。

2. 使用场景:

Windows Mail适用于个人和小型企业用户,可以方便地管理工作邮件和个人邮件,还可以与联系人和日历等其他应用程序集成,提高工作效率。

3. 注意事项:

由于Windows Mail是Windows操作系统自带的软件,所以需要注意系统版本和更新,同时也需要及时进行安全更新和防病毒软件的使用。


1. Windows Mail is a powerful email client that can keep your communications organized and efficient.(Windows Mail是一款强大的电子邮件客户端,可以使您的通讯组织有序而高效。)

2. With Windows Mail, you can easily manage your email accounts and stay on top of your messages.(通过Windows Mail,你可以轻松管理电子邮件帐户并及时查收邮件。)

3. You can use Windows Mail to create and send messages that contain images, text, and other types of content.(你可以使用Windows Mail创建并发送包含图像、文本和其他类型内容的邮件。)

4. If you're having trouble sending or receiving email with Windows Mail, you may need to troubleshoot your settings or contact your email provider support team.(如果你在使用Windows Mail发送或接收邮件时遇到问题,可能需要进行设置故障排除,或联系电子邮件服务提供商的支持团队。)

5. Windows Mail supports a variety of security features, such as SSL encryption and digital signing, to help protect your information and privacy.(Windows Mail支持多种安全功能,如SSL加密和数字签名,以保护您的信息和隐私。)


【读音】wǐn dows yóu jiàn


1. Windows Mail是Windows Vista及之后版本的内置电子邮件客户端。

Windows Mail is an integrated email client for Windows Vista and later versions.

2. 你可以使用Windows Mail来管理你的电子邮件,发送和接收电子邮件。

You can use Windows Mail to manage your emails, send and receive emails.

windows mail在中文中有"电子邮件程序、网络"的意思,还经常被翻译为邮件收发,在线读音是[windowsmail],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到36个与windows mail相关的例句。

Windows Mail的翻译


例句:Windows to the soul. You can't be serious. (灵魂的窗户 Windows to the soul.)

例句:Windows For Workgroups included Microsoft Mail, which could send email via PostOffice to other users on a network. (WindowsForWorkgroups包括了MicrosoftMail,可通过PostOffice把邮件发送到其它在线网络用户。)


例句:♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)


例句:Be sure to check the mail. (翻译:一定要开信箱 Be sure to check the mail.)


windows mail一般作为名词使用,如在Windows Mail([网络] 邮件;电子邮件程序;邮件收发)、Windows Live Mail([网络] 邮件;邮件工具;邮件软体)、Windows on Windows([网络] 层窗;系统上面慢一些)等常见短语中出现较多。

Windows Mail[网络] 邮件;电子邮件程序;邮件收发
Windows Live Mail[网络] 邮件;邮件工具;邮件软体
Windows on Windows[网络] 层窗;系统上面慢一些
in the mail[网络] 在邮寄中;在邮箱里;在信箱里
Mail To寄送到
The Mail[网络] 邮车;邮件;邮报
doors and windows[网络] 门窗;门窗篇;门和窗
dormer windowsn. 【建】屋顶窗\n[网络] 个老虎窗
display windows【电信学】显示窗


1. ♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (翻译:# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)

2. Be sure to check the mail. (翻译:一定要开信箱 Be sure to check the mail.)

3. After installing Windows and the Boot Camp drivers, you can start up your Mac in either Windows or Mac OS X. (翻译:在安装Windows和BootCamp驱动程序之后,您就可以选用Windows或MacOSX来启动您的Mac电脑。)

4. You have reached the voice mail of Jim Harper, senior producer of ACN's News Night. (翻译:请您 Please -- 语音邮箱 Voice mail.)

5. -I can't believe they're reading my e-mails. (翻译

6. We were running Windows 2000. (翻译:电脑里运行的还是windows 2000 )

7. - I got a staff e-mail from you. (翻译:- I got a staff e -mail from you.)

8. Whatever, just remember to take clients' calls and reply to their emails. (翻译:就算坐牢也要记得接客户电话 跟回E一mail!)

9. Look, if you don't believe us, look at the e-mails. (翻译:听着,如果你们不相信的话,看看这些e -mail)

10. The name of the mail template is mail8.ntf. (翻译:邮件模板的名称是 mail8.ntf。)

11. Dean works in the mail room. (翻译:迪恩是收发室的 Dean works in the mail room.)

12. Check your personal e-mail. (翻译:Check your personal e -mail.)

13. The point this month is not to imitate Windows, but to automate the production of Windows deliverables with open source tools. (翻译:本月的要点不是模拟Windows,而是使用开发源码工具来自动生成可在Windows上使用的产品。)

14. The Windows Form starts running under Windows, just as if you had double-clicked its executable. (翻译:此Windows窗体开始在Windows下运行,就像双击了它的可执行文件一样。)

15. - Everybody likes getting mail. (翻译:- No. - Everybody likes getting mail.)

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