portray是什么意思 portray的中文翻译、读音、例句

portray是什么意思 portray的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:v. 描述,描绘,刻画



- portray as:把...描述成

- portray oneself as:把自己描述成

- accurately portray:准确地描述

- vividly portray:生动地描绘

- portray a character:扮演角色




1. The film portrays the life of a homeless person in New York City.


2. The artist portrayed the landscape with incredible detail.


3. The article portrays the politician as a corrupt individual.


4. The play portrays the struggles of a young couple in love.


5. The author portrays the main character as a hero.


6. The painting accurately portrays the emotions of the subject.


7. The actor portrayed the villain with convincing intensity.





1. The artist tries to portray the beauty of nature in his paintings. (这位艺术家试图在他的画作中描绘自然的美丽。)

2. This movie portrays the struggle of a young girl to achieve her dreams. (这部电影描述了一位年轻女孩为实现她的梦想而奋斗的故事。)

3. The article portrays the company's CEO as a visionary leader. (这篇文章描述了公司的CEO是一位富有远见的领袖。)




例句:China in past comment has sought to portray the matter as a straightforward criminal case . (在过去的言论中,中国努力将此事描述为一起简单的刑事案件。)


例句:But we call each reading an emotion data point, and then they can fire together to portray different emotions. (我们称每一次读取为一个情感数据点, 然后它们可以组合在一起来描绘不同的情绪。)


例句:But this is a touchy subject, and I work for the Discovery Channel, and we want to portray accurately whatever it is we do. (但因为这是个敏感的问题,我又为探索频道工作 无论如何,我们都要力求真实 )

4.描绘 、的肖像

例句:craves only the admiration of his father. The story of the Emperor himself is one of ambitious portray. (翻译:他最大的追求就是得到父王的赞许。而大王本身的经历也是勃勃雄心的写照。)


portray一般作为动词使用,如在portray as(描绘成)、portray in((在书、戏剧、电影或绘画中)把(某人)描绘〔刻画〕成)、to portray([网络] 描绘;刻画;反映)等常见短语中出现较多。

portray as描绘成
portray in(在书、戏剧、电影或绘画中)把(某人)描绘〔刻画〕成
to portray[网络] 描绘;刻画;反映


1. But this is a touchy subject, and I work for the Discovery Channel, and we want to portray accurately whatever it is we do. (翻译:但因为这是个敏感的问题,我又为探索频道工作 无论如何,我们都要力求真实 )

2. craves only the admiration of his father. The story of the Emperor himself is one of ambitious portray. (翻译:他最大的追求就是得到父王的赞许。而大王本身的经历也是勃勃雄心的写照。)

3. But she took advantage of every opportunity, and continually attempted to portray more complex characters and roles. (翻译:但是她努力抓住每一次机会,并且不断尝试和体验更加复杂的人物性格。)

4. I believe he looked at the final two or three options, but I wouldn't be able to accurately portray his reaction. (翻译:我相信他看到了最后的2到3个图标,但是我不能确定他看后有什么反应。)

5. And we portray him as a huge bird monster surrounded by thick fog. (翻译:我们把他塑造为一只 被浓雾笼罩的巨型怪鸟。)

6. As an actor I'm obliged to live in my country, to observe and portray it. (翻译:作为演员 我恰恰有责任在那儿体验生活 这样能更好的观察他们扮演他们 我在那儿生活扎根)

7. So Kay herself we portray as ripped apart into her basic emotions. (翻译:因此我们把凯 塑造为一个被自己的情绪左右的人。)

8. She paid Paul Arnheim 1000 dollars to paint portray of an imaginary girl. (翻译:她付了保罗·爱恩汉姆1千块钱 绘制了一幅想象的女孩像)

9. Testimonies portray Tim Kretschmer as lonely and frustrated. (翻译:证词描述的蒂姆·克雷奇默t im Kretchmer是“孤独而沮丧”。)

10. Police were allegedly trying to portray the West Auckland spraying as an isolated incident. (翻译:据称,警察试图将最近的这桩喷击事件描绘成一个孤立案件。)

11. It is typical in Yuan Haowen s epitaphs "to portray a character in narrating events". (翻译:“以事写人”是元好问碑志文的重要特色。)

12. (Laughter) And certainly all of the movies -- Antz, Bee Movie -- portray the main character in the social insects as being male. (翻译:加上所有的电影, 蚂蚁电影、蜜蜂电影----- 里面的主角都给扮成是雄的。)

13. Clever attorneys portray Lita Fox as an abandoned woman. (翻译:精明的律师将丽塔·福克斯 描绘成一个弃妇的形象,)

14. Mr. Lukashenko has sought to portray the protest as part of an attempted coup, fomented by other countries. (翻译:卢卡申科曾力图把抗议活动形容为由其它国家煽动的政变企图的一部分。)

15. But the one thing I definitely didn't want to do with this coverage was to continue to portray sharks as something like monsters. (翻译:绝对不想让这张封面 继续把鲨鱼描绘的有点像怪兽似的。)



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