megatons equivalent是什么意思 megatons equivalent的中文翻译、读音、例句

megatons equivalent是什么意思 megatons equivalent的中文翻译、读音、例句

megatons equivalent的意思是"百万吨当量",还有百万吨当量的意思,在线读音是[megatonsequivalent],megatons equivalent是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到85个与megatons equivalent相关的句子。

Megatons equivalent的中文翻译


例句:More than 100 megatons of this is stored in particularly insecure Russian facilities. (其中至少有100吨 储存在非常不安全的 俄罗斯的储备设施中)


megatons equivalent一般作为名词使用,如在megatons(n. 兆吨( megaton的复数形式 ))、equivalent(相等的)、equivalent for(相等于…的代价)等常见短语中出现较多。

megatonsn. 兆吨( megaton的复数形式 )
equivalent for相等于…的代价
equivalent to等于,折合
the equivalent of[网络] 相当于
digital equivalent数位等效
diode equivalent效二极管
ecological equivalent生态相同种
dose equivalent[化] 剂量当量


1. Our region has an area equivalent to that of Switzerland and a population equivalent to that of Denmark. (翻译:我们大区的面积与瑞士不相上下,人口与丹麦相当。)

2. Why can't an equivalent case be made for nature? (翻译:同样的思维方式能否被运用到 思考人与自然的关系上?)

3. In the same goaf, there would be an equivalent or approximate equivalent obvious variation period and sustained time. (翻译:同一采空区中,不同测点有相等或近似相等的显著变化周期和持续时间。)

4. Including a hydrogen bomb of 57 megatons, the largest nuclear weapon ever created. (翻译:其中之一就是当量为5700万吨的氢弹 这是史上最强大的核弹)

5. It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit. (翻译:它是三极管放大器的等效电路。)

6. So, the modern equivalent would of course be this. (翻译:所以,在现代社会等价的东西应该类似这种。)

7. Our experts studied the possibility and concluded that the explosion would have had a force of 3 to 5 megatons. (翻译:我们的专家研究爆炸可能 推断这次爆炸威力 将高达3到5百万吨)

8. Its impact on the outer atmosphere of had the energy of one billion megatons TNT. (翻译:它对大气层表面的撞击 有相当于十亿吨TNT炸药的能量)

9. Now every time one goes pop, you got the equivalent of 20, 30 megatons of TNT. (翻译:然后只要有一座喷发 你猜会有什么样的效果 相当于2000万到3000万吨)

10. So, the modern equivalent would of course be this. (翻译:所以,在现代社会等价的东西应该类似这种。)

11. IVAN( TheMonstrousBomb) 57 Megatons (翻译:{\1cH88FF88}怪兽 5700万吨)

12. Shared is equivalent to -g on Solaris. (翻译:shared等价于Solaris上的- G。)

13. Is the equivalent of nearly $6 million today. (翻译:所以才得把钱存到海外啊 走向下车的保安 有一名保安当场死亡)

14. Hiroshima. 1.4 megatons if you factor in both reactors and the warheads. (翻译:就象广岛那样 1.4兆吨的核爆炸 算上两个反应堆还有弹头)

15. In Deaf culture, movement is equivalent to sound. (翻译:在聋哑人的文化中, 动作有和声音一样的地位 )

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