jyu是什么意思 jyu的中文翻译、读音、例句

jyu是什么意思 jyu的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. JYU代表的是日本研究大学院大学(Japan’s graduate research university)。


- JYU是日本著名的研究型大学,致力于培养全球化背景下的科学研究人才。

- JYU拥有良好的研究资源和设施,对于研究人员具有较高的吸引力。

- JYU以国际化的办学理念,吸引了世界各地的学生来这里学习。


- JYU is known as one of the best research universities in Japan.

- John is applying for a Ph.D. program at JYU.

- The research facilities at JYU are state-of-the-art.

2. JYU也可以是指江苏烟草公司(Jiangsu Tobacco Company)。


- JYU是中国烟草业的巨头,是江苏省政府直接管理的大型国有企业。

- JYU的产品覆盖范围广,生产和销售各种烟草制品,如卷烟、雪茄、水烟等。

- JYU拥有完善的生产和销售网络,产品销售遍布国内和海外市场。


- JYU is one of the largest tobacco companies in China.

- Alice works for JYU as a marketing specialist.

- JYU exports its tobacco products to many countries around the world.

3. 最后,JYU也可以是指纽约州立犹太医学院(The Jewish University of New York)。


- JYU是一所历史悠久的医学院,创立于xx年,在医疗保健领域有着丰富的经验和声誉。

- JYU拥有先进的医疗科技和设施,为学生和患者提供高水平的医疗和教育服务。

- JYU致力于培养医学领域的专业人才,为社会和健康医疗事业做出贡献。


- JYU is one of the oldest and most respected Jewish medical schools in the United States.

- John is a graduate of JYU's medical program.

- The medical facilities at JYU are top-notch.


1. JYU is known for its outstanding research programs and facilities in Japan.(JYU以其在日本卓越的研究项目和设施而闻名。)

2. Jiangsu Tobacco Company (JYU) is one of the largest and most profitable state-owned enterprises in China.(江苏烟草公司(JYU)是中国最大、最利润丰厚的国有企业之一。)

3. The Jewish University of New York (JYU) is committed to providing the highest quality medical education and health care services.(纽约州立犹太医学院(JYU)致力于提供最高水平的医学教育和健康医疗服务。)

4. JYU's tobacco products are popular in many countries around the world.(JYU的烟草制品在全世界很多国家都很受欢迎。)

5. Many international students choose to study at JYU because of its reputation for academic excellence.(许多国际学生选择在JYU学习,因为它以学术卓越而闻名。)




1. My lucky number is jyu, because it sounds like the Chinese word for "long-lasting" or "eternal". 我的幸运数字是玖,因为它听起来像中文词语“长久”或“永久”。

2. The price of the concert ticket is jyu-eight dollars. 这场音乐会的门票价格是九八美元。

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