1. 含义: akbp 是印尼警察部门的一个职位缩写,代表"Assistant Commissioner of Police",即警察助理专员。
2. 职责: akbp 主要负责监督和管理警察行动,包括指挥警察部队执行任务、协调与民众的关系、确保公共安全等。
3. 职位晋升: 在印度尼西亚警察部门中,akbp 是警察中的高级职位,通常只有经过多年的工作经验和专业培训后才能晋升。
4. 角色: 作为警察部门的高级职位,akbp 承担着重要的领导和管理职责,需要具有优秀的组织能力、领导力和协调能力。
5. 地位: akbp 不仅在警察部门中拥有很高的地位,还被视为公共安全和治安的保障者,在社会中有很高的威信和声誉。
1. The akbp is responsible for ensuring public safety and maintaining law and order in the city.
2. After years of hard work and training, he finally achieved the rank of akbp in the Indonesian police force.
3. As an akbp, he was responsible for leading his team in responding to emergencies and maintaining public security.
4. The akbp played a crucial role in ensuring the success of the police operation and keeping the public safe.
5. The akbp worked closely with the community to build trust and promote cooperation between the police and the public.
1. AKBP Joko berpengalaman dalam menangani kasus kejahatan cyber.
2. AKBP Yudi berhasil mengungkap jaringan perdagangan narkoba di wilayahnya.