'Nasomatto' 不是一个常见的英语单词,它实际上是一个意大利品牌的名称,专门生产高端香水。因为是品牌名称,所以没有词义和词性,也不需要发音拼写。
1. Nasomatto的香水在国际市场上备受欢迎。
Nasomatto's perfumes are highly sought-after in the international market.
2. 我喜欢Nasomatto的味道和包装设计。
I love the scent and packaging design of Nasomatto.
3. Nashomatto的香水价格相当昂贵。
Nasomatto's perfumes are quite expensive.
4. 这瓶Nasomatto的香水被评为最佳男士香水。
This bottle of Nasomatto perfume was rated as the best men's fragrance.
5. 那个明星正在代言Nasomatto的香水品牌。
The celebrity is endorsing the Nasomatto perfume brand.
6. Nasomatto的香味有些浓烈,但是很持久。
The scent of Nasomatto's perfumes is a bit strong, but very long-lasting.
7. 我收到了一份Nasomatto的香水礼品套装,很开心。
I received a gift set of Nasomatto perfumes and was very happy.
nasomatto 的中文翻译为“鼻香”,读音为nɑːsə'mætəʊ。
1. 我最喜欢的香水品牌之一是 nasomatto。
One of my favorite perfume brands is nasomatto.
2. 这款 nasomatto 香水有一种很独特的气味,让人难以忘怀。
This nasomatto perfume has a very unique scent that is unforgettable.