sterops是什么意思 sterops的中文翻译、读音、例句

sterops是什么意思 sterops的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Sterops is the head of the security department at our company. (Sterops是我们公司安全部门的负责人。)

2. The Sterops Foundation is a charity organization that provides assistance to disadvantaged children. (Sterops基金会是一个慈善组织,为弱势儿童提供援助。)

3. I heard that Sterops was promoted to a higher position in the company. (我听说Sterops在公司里升迁了。)

4. Sterops is a common name in the Greek mythology. (Sterops是希腊神话中的一个常见名字。)

5. The Sterops brand is known for producing high-quality electronic devices. (Sterops品牌以生产高品质的电子设备而闻名。)




1. The Sterops is a genus of beetle in the family Carabidae. (Sterops是甲虫科中的一属。)

2. The Sterops is known for its striking coloration and large size. (Sterops以其醒目的色彩和巨大的体型而闻名。)

3. The Sterops has a hard exoskeleton that provides protection from predators. (Sterops具有坚硬的外骨骼,可提供保护免受捕食者侵害。)

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