unequivocal是什么意思 unequivocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

unequivocal是什么意思 unequivocal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'unequivocal'是一个形容词,意为“无可置疑的,明确的”。它表示某个信息或陈述非常明确,没有歧义或不确定性。它通常用于表达某个观点、意见或决定是坚定而明确的,没有任何模糊或含糊之处。


- His answer was unequivocal: he would not accept the offer.(他的回答非常明确:他不会接受这个提议。)

- The company made an unequivocal commitment to reduce its carbon footprint.(公司作出了明确的承诺,要减少碳排放。)

- The evidence against him was unequivocal, and he was found guilty.(对他的证据非常明确,他被判有罪了。)

2. 用法提示:'unequivocal'通常在正式场合或者需要表达严谨和确定性的语境中使用。它可以用于描述某个决定、规定、行为或反应等的明确程度,也可以用于表达某个观点、态度或者信念的坚定性和明确性。


- The president's statement was unequivocal, and it reassured the public.(总统的声明非常明确,它让公众放心了。)

- The doctor's diagnosis was unequivocal: he had cancer.(医生的诊断非常明确:他患有癌症。)

- The athlete's performance was unequivocal proof of his strength and skill.(运动员的表现是他实力和技巧的明确证明。)

3. 同义词辨析:'unequivocal'的同义词包括:clear, definite, certain, unambiguous, explicit等。它们都表示信息或观点非常明确,没有模糊或不确定之处。但是它们的用法和语气略有不同。例如,'clear'和'definite'更加通俗易懂,语气也更加轻松自然,适合于口语或非正式场合;而'unambiguous'和'explicit'则更加强调明确性和严谨性,通常用于正式文体或需要表达精确意思的语境中。


- His instructions were clear and concise.(他的指示非常清晰简洁。)

- The deadline for the project is definite and cannot be changed.(这个项目的截止日期是明确的,不能更改。)

- The terms of the contract are unambiguous and cannot be misinterpreted.(合同条款非常明确,不能被曲解。)

- She made her intentions explicit, so there could be no mistake about what she wanted.(她明确表示了自己的意图,所以不可能出现误解。)

- The instructions were explicit about what was expected of us.(指示非常明确,告诉我们应该怎么做。)




1. The evidence against him is unequivocal.


2. Her answer was unequivocal: she would not be attending the party.


3. The company's commitment to sustainable development is unequivocal.


unequivocal的意思是"不含糊的 、不含糊的",还经常被翻译为法,在线读音是[.ʌni'kwivәkl],unequivocal来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到81个与unequivocal相关的例句。



例句:As soon as the camera appeared on the scene, a full lifetime ago on June 17, 1939, it had an immediate and unequivocal effect. (xx年xx月xx日, 相机一登上历史舞台, 就立刻产生了显著的影响。)


例句:The reply was an unequivocal 'no'. (回答是个干脆利落的“不”字。)


例句:What would compel me to believe would be something unequivocal, such as if an amputee grew a new limb. (能让我不得不信的是毫无疑义的事,好比让某个截肢患者长出新肢体。)


例句:If you are here... it is because you have a fervent... unequivocal belief... in teamwork! (翻译:还有“地球,风,火”乐队 你们在这里... 这是因为你有炽热的...)


unequivocal一般作为名词使用,如在unequivocal acceptance(不含煳接收,明确接收)等常见短语中出现较多。

unequivocal acceptance不含煳接收,明确接收


1. What would compel me to believe would be something unequivocal, such as if an amputee grew a new limb. (翻译:能让我不得不信的是毫无疑义的事,好比让某个截肢患者长出新肢体。)

2. If you are here... it is because you have a fervent... unequivocal belief... in teamwork! (翻译:还有“地球,风,火”乐队 你们在这里... 这是因为你有炽热的...)

3. The report's message was unequivocal. (翻译:报告中传达的信息相当明确。)

4. She will now find that she has the time and the energy... to move on to level two... where taking on new challenges will lead to the self-sufficience of level three... where the woman becomes active in the workplace... and earns and achieves an unequivocal equality... with men. (翻译:同时察觉到自己有时间和精力 去做第二个阶段的事情... 第二阶段就是不断接受新挑战, 这样就会产生第三个阶段的自我满足感)

5. The extension of credit to a small business is one of the riskiest things a bank can do, but it wins taxpayers' unequivocal support. (翻译:信用想小型业务的眼神就是银行所做的最具风险性的业务之一,但却赢得了纳税人鲜明的支持。)

6. It is unequivocal, is what it is. (翻译:It is unequivocal, is what it is.)

7. The findings are unequivocal, and as a sleep scientist, I rarely get to speak with that kind of certainty. (翻译:调查结果非常明确。作为一位睡眠研究人员, 我很少用如此肯定的态度发表演说。)

8. The answer was an unequivocal 'no'. (翻译:回答是个干脆利落的“不”字。)

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