doris day是什么意思 doris day的中文翻译、读音、例句

doris day是什么意思 doris day的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇解释:

Doris Day是美国一位著名的女演员、歌手、动物权利活动家,她的名字常常被用来代表某些历史时期的文化符号,例如20世纪xx年代和xx年代的好莱坞电影和音乐。

2. 历史文化:

Doris Day是20世纪xx年代和xx年代好莱坞金童女的代表,在这个时期她主演了很多传统的家庭喜剧和音乐剧,也塑造了很多受欢迎的电影角色。她的音乐作品也影响了那个时代的歌曲风格。


- Doris Day was one of the most popular actresses and singers of the 1950s and 1960s.

- The films and music of Doris Day are often seen as symbols of the cultural values of that era.

- Doris Day's work in film and music influenced the popular culture of her time.

3. 动物权益:

除了在娱乐界拥有辉煌的成就外,Doris Day也是一名长期致力于动物保护事业的活动家,她鼓励人们严惩虐待动物的行为,并且在一些公益机构中担任领导职务。


- Doris Day was a passionate advocate for animal rights throughout her life.

- The Doris Day Animal Foundation is one of the most influential organizations working to protect animals today.

- Doris Day's dedication to animal welfare inspired many people to take action on behalf of animals.

Doris Day 是美国著名的女演员和歌手。她的名字可以作为英语中的一个单词,但通常情况下人们使用这个短语来指代她本人。


读音:[ˈdɔːrɪs deɪ]


1. Doris Day was a beloved icon of Hollywood's Golden Age.


2. My grandmother loved listening to Doris Day's music.


doris day通常被翻译为"德国女导演"的意思,作为名词时有"多丽丝戴"的意思,发音音标为[dorisday],doris day在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到12个与doris day相关的句子。

Doris day的中文翻译


例句:Well, apparently, Doris would rather live over at the Donahues' than here. (很明显,Doris更愿意在Donahues家过下半生!)


例句:As I think you know, we've been anxious to ask Doris Tinsdale a few questions. (我想你也知道, 我们急于要问Doris Tinsdale几个问题。)


doris day一般作为名词使用,如在doris(n. 桃瑞丝(女子名))、doris lessings(多丽丝·莱辛\n(doris lessing 的复数))、for the day([网络] 那天;为了那一天;给那一天)等常见短语中出现较多。

dorisn. 桃瑞丝(女子名)
doris lessings多丽丝·莱辛\n(doris lessing 的复数)
for the day[网络] 那天;为了那一天;给那一天
if a day十足
in ... day[网络] 宝贝
in a dayxx日
in day[网络] 宝贝
in the day在白天
of a day短命的


1. The adoration of Miss Fancy Day. (翻译:Fancy Day小姐的爱慕。The adoration of Miss Fancy Day.)

2. Vic Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles. (翻译:维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。)

3. This is my cousin Doris, Mr. Fortesque. (翻译:这是我外甥Doris,Fortesque先生。)

:// (翻译://

5. I'm here to ask about your sister, Doris. Doris. (翻译:我来这里询问 有关你姐姐多丽丝的事 多丽丝)

6. - Luckily, my maiden name is Margaret Doris Hawkins. (翻译:我的名字是幸运的。多丽丝·玛格丽特·霍金斯。)

7. Miss Day, you are distressed. (翻译:Day小姐,你有烦恼? Miss Day, you are distressed.)

8. The colours of the world Are changing day by day- (翻译:世界的颜色 每天都在变幻 The colours of the world are changing day by day-)

9. Yeah,and I want another crack at that chick,Doris. (翻译:没错 我还想再调戏调戏 那个叫Doris的妞呢)

10. Doris Kearns Goodwin on learning from past presidents (翻译:多丽丝·卡恩斯·古德温之“向过去的总统学习”)

11. Our movements must not be reported. (翻译:A great day. A day of historic importance.)

12. Seixas and Doris Hart won the mixed doubles. (翻译:维克·塞克萨斯和多丽丝·哈特赢得了混合双打冠军。)

13. Well... he's got some interesting ideas about metaphysical determinism, and I think he's a Doris Day fan. (翻译:他在形而上学决定论方面挺有见解 我觉得他是Doris Day粉丝)

14. Doris McGarrett... was my mother, too. (翻译:Doris McGarrett... 也是我的母亲)

15. ~ What will come out of your mouth next? (翻译:- 你还能说点更异想天开的话来么! - Doris... - What else will go out of your mouth?)

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