ra3是什么意思 ra3的中文翻译、读音、例句

ra3是什么意思 ra3的中文翻译、读音、例句

'ra3' 不是一个合法的英文单词或短语,因此无法提供准确的释义和例句。请提供更详细的上下文或背景信息,以便我更好地理解您的问题并给出相应的解答。


1. Do you want to play ra3 with me tonight? (今晚想和我一起玩红色警戒3吗?)

2. My favorite faction in ra3 is the Empire of the Rising Sun. (我在红色警戒3中最喜欢的派系是帝国的崛起。)




例句:Tenosynovitis, synovitis, and bone edema independently correlate with disease activity measures in RA and suggest radiographic progression. (腱鞘炎、滑膜炎和骨水肿分别与RA疾病活动度相关,且提示影像学进展。)


例句:I remember the time you... switched the heads of the gods of the temple of Ra. (我记得有一次... 你把太阳神殿里神像的头对调)


例句:Han Yoo Ra's will is a 100% match to her handwriting in the past. (随著韩宥拉小姐遗书笔迹 被确认为本人笔迹)


例句:误解她是韩宥拉案的嫌疑犯 所以非常非常对不住她)


ra3一般作为名词使用,如在RA3([=trichloro-triethylamine]三氯三乙胺)、Eye of Ra([网络] 镭之眼;眼睛;镭眼)、eyes of ra([网络] 拉之双目)等常见短语中出现较多。

Eye of Ra[网络] 镭之眼;眼睛;镭眼
eyes of ra[网络] 拉之双目
Fjφra[地名] 菲约拉 ( 挪 )
Kandιra[地名] 坎德拉 ( 土 )
ke'ra[网络] 凯拉
Ljφra[地名] 约拉河 ( 挪 )
Marifjφra[地名] 玛丽菲约拉 ( 挪 )
precession in ra赤径偏移
RA size[纸] RA尺寸


1. Han Yoo Ra's will is a 100% match to her handwriting in the past. (翻译:随著韩宥拉小姐遗书笔迹 被确认为本人笔迹)

:误解她是韩宥拉案的嫌疑犯 所以非常非常对不住她)

3. You know, my cousin had a quinceanera at Elysian Park. (翻译:你知道吗,我的表妹有一个 quincea馿RA在伊利森公园。)

4. RA patients, as they call themselves -- her blog is RA Warrior -- have a big problem because 40 percent of them have no visible symptoms. (翻译:类风病人,他们这样称呼自己 她的博客叫类风勇士- 有一个很大的问题。因为他们其中百分之40都没有可以观察到的症状。)

5. She said she was tired of me spending all my time with this waitress (翻译:她说 她厌烦我总是去找Ra寿司店的女招待)

6. The army put full rrsponsibi/ity on the /ra. (翻译:军方将责任推诿给共和军 宣称被迫 对暴力作出回应)

7. Conclusion: LEF is an effective agent for treatment of ra with better tolerability. (翻译:结论:LEF治疗RA的疗效肯定,且具有较好的耐受性。)

8. Objective To study the changes of nailfold microcirculation and hemorheology of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA). (翻译:目的探讨类风湿关节炎不同阶段甲襞微循环及血液流变学的变化。)

9. Conclusions: TGP combined with LEF can delay the progression of RA and provide protection for sclerotin and synovium of joint. (翻译:结论:TGP联合lef治疗RA能稳定病情,对关节滑膜及骨质破坏起到较好的保护作用。)

10. During direct PTCA, perfusion balloon catheter can reduce the incidence and severity of RA. (翻译:直接PT CA时,灌注式球囊导管能降低RA的发生率及其严重程度。)

11. Objective:To further explore the mechanism of immune modulation by retinoic acid (RA). (翻译:目的:研究维生素A增强人体免疫功能的机理。)

12. This review summarizes the progress in using GWAS for screening of RA susceptible genes. (翻译:本文就近年来全基因组关联分析技术研究RA易感基因的进展做一综述。)

13. 160P EQ mount RA gear 240 teeth, polar shaft 35mm, 3 ball bearings are used, maximum loading 30kg. (翻译:160P情商挂载类风湿性关节炎齿轮240牙齿,极地轴35毫米,3球轴承的使用,最大负荷30千克。)

14. And RA for the elderly female approximately seventy years old. (翻译:另外需要对一位约xx岁年长女性的医疗救援)

15. About a month ago, Han Yoo Ra went to Death Expo with a man. (翻译:韩宥拉跟一个男的 在一个月前去了死亡体验馆)

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