bloodstained是什么意思 bloodstained的中文翻译、读音、例句

bloodstained是什么意思 bloodstained的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和词性


2. 用途


3. 情境运用


- The victim's bloodstained clothes were found in the bushes.

- The detective saw the bloodstained knife lying on the floor.

- The walls of the old castle were bloodstained, as if they had witnessed countless battles and killings.

- The horror movie was full of bloodstained scenes, which made the audience feel sick and scared.

- The murderer's hands were bloodstained, and he looked like a beast.

4. 相关词汇


- Blood-soaked 血浸

- Bloody 血迹斑斑的

- Blood-spattered 血迹斑斑的


1. The detective found a bloodstained shirt in the suspect's car. (警官在嫌疑人车上找到一件沾满血迹的衬衫。)

2. The crime scene was so bloodstained that it took the forensic team hours to collect evidence. (案发现场血迹斑斑,法医小组花了好几个小时才收集到证据。)

3. The bloody history of the castle made it a perfect setting for horror movies. (城堡的血腥历史使之成为恐怖电影的完美场景。)

4. She felt sick at the sight of the blood-soaked mattress. (她看到浸满血迹的床垫时感到恶心。)

5. The blood-spattered walls and floors of the abandoned hospital gave her goosebumps. (废弃医院的墙壁和地板上沾满了血迹,让她打了个寒战。)




1. Her hands were bloodstained after killing the rabbit.


2. The walls were bloodstained and the room smelled of death.





例句:A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls to the tune of a twisted demon monkey. (一位欢舞的国王,在他那染血的大厅里雀跃 合着那险毒的恶魔猴子的曲子)


1. Legacies and other things such as bloodstained pillowslips. (翻译:我曾经在一个房子住过,将要死去的老妇人 在那里怀念他们死去的丈夫)

2. Llewellyn looked round hastily, and there, under the torn and bloodstained blankets, was his baby son, quite safe. (翻译:卢埃林急忙回过头来一看,在那条被撕烂和沾满血污的毯子下面,发现了他的小儿子安然无恙。)

3. A century after Ivan the Terrible, another Tsar came up against that strength of feeling with bloodstained results. (翻译:恐怖的伊凡死了一个世纪之后, 又一个沙皇要以流血的代价来 应付这种宗教情感的力量。)

4. Lots of men and women in the West are fervent supporters of bloodstained setups. (翻译:在西方,大量的男人和女人是大规模杀人装置的强烈支持者。)

5. Trinket began to laugh hysterically , and emerged from under the table, still clutching the bloodstained sword. (翻译:韦小宝哈哈大笑,从椅子底下钻出来,手中兀自握着那柄带血的钢刀。)

6. He said, "My son is facing life in prison. Bob, can you help?" (翻译:同样 有新的消息称 一个带有血迹的手套 Also, new reports that a bloodstained glove...)

7. Ji-yeon, a tollgate ticket girl, is frightened by a mysterious black car, which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight. (翻译:智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。)

8. If one takes off all ones clothes before starting work... and there's a bathroom handy for afterwards the menace of bloodstained clothes is obviously removed. (翻译:如果在行凶前 脱去所有的衣服 并准备个浴室 血衣就不会存在了)

9. Brandishing Kalashnikovs and bloodstained baseball caps, these were Libya's revolutionaries. (翻译:挥舞AK47和血染棒球帽是利比亚革命者的形象。)

10. I listened at the door and overheard him say something about a bloodstained dress belonging to her. (翻译:我在门外听到他说些关于... ...一条属于她染有血迹的裙子。)

11. In art, Ares was represented as a well-built war- rior11, carrying a bloodstained spear, and sometimes with lightening about his head. (翻译:阿瑞斯的艺术形象是位体魄雄健的武士,手持一柄血污长矛,有时头部萦绕着闪电光环。)

12. The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found... so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets... taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. (翻译:警方打捞三天都没找到 这样就无法比对 受害者身上的弹痕)

13. In a bloodstained continent, these people alone were never conquered by the Spanish. (翻译:在这个血腥肆虐的大陆 这个种族从来没有被西班牙人征服过 )

14. There have been torn, bloodstained bills circulating in the region, that put us on the trail (翻译:这周边发现了染血的破钞票 我们在顺藤摸瓜)

15. For the first two or three days lochia is bloodstained and then becomes paler in color. (翻译:在头2-3天,恶露深有血液,以后颜色变白。)

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