shelters是什么意思 shelters的中文翻译、读音、例句

shelters是什么意思 shelters的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:shelters可以指住所、庇护所,也可指避难所、救济站等。

2. 用途:shelters通常被用于描述灾难、战争等情况下提供人们庇护的地方。

3. 相关词汇:shelters的同义词有refuge、sanctuary、haven等。

4. 常见场景:shelters通常用于描述人们在自然灾害、战争、难民危机等紧急情况下需要寻找的庇护场所。

5. 网络用语:shelters在网络上通常被缩写为shlrs或shltrs。


1. 受灾群众在地震发生后迅速前往政府设立的shelters寻求庇护。

2. 难民们在从战争、饥饿和贫困中逃离时,通常需要寻找避难所。

3. 城市中的教堂、公园等公共场所可以在紧急情况下被用作shelters。

4. 保护野生动物的组织通常会建立sanctuary或refuge,提供安全的栖息地。

5. 避难所的工作人员需要及时提供食物、水等基本物资,保障受难者的生存。


1. After the earthquake, the affected people quickly escaped to the government's shelters for refuge.

2. Refugees fleeing from war, hunger and poverty often need to find a haven.

3. Public places such as churches and parks in the city can be used as shelters in emergencies.

4. Organizations that protect wildlife usually establish sanctuaries or refuges to provide safe habitats.

5. Shelter staff need to provide basic supplies such as food and water in a timely manner to ensure the survival of the victims.





1. Many people sought shelter from the storm in the shelters provided by the city. (许多人在城市提供的避难所避雨。)

2. The refugees found shelter in a nearby church. (难民们在附近的一座教堂里找到了庇护。)

3. The trees provided a natural shelter from the hot sun. (树木提供了一个自然的掩蔽处以避开炎热的阳光。)




例句:They need winterized temporary shelters and blankets. (他们需要能御寒的临时住所和毛毯。)


例句:Now they live in temporary "benders" - shelters made from branches covered with plastic sheeting. (现在,他们住在用树枝和塑料薄膜搭建的临时工棚里。)


例句:Many people claim they don't visit shelters because it's depressing for them. (很多人声称他们从不拜访动物收容所 因为他们不喜欢那里压抑的气氛)


例句:They refers to the embrasures of the bomb shelters. (翻译:它们同防空洞的射击孔类似。)


shelters一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fallout shelters(un. 放射性微粒掩蔽所;放射性微粒掩蔽室;防放射性微粒掩蔽部)、homeless shelters([网络] 游民收容机构;游民避护所;无家可归者避难所)、tax shelters(un. 逃税手段\n[网络] 避税手段;租税庇护;避税投资工具)等常见短语中出现较多。

fallout sheltersun. 放射性微粒掩蔽所;放射性微粒掩蔽室;防放射性微粒掩蔽部
homeless shelters[网络] 游民收容机构;游民避护所;无家可归者避难所
tax sheltersun. 逃税手段\n[网络] 避税手段;租税庇护;避税投资工具
women's shelters[网络] 妇女收容所


1. Many people claim they don't visit shelters because it's depressing for them. (翻译:很多人声称他们从不拜访动物收容所 因为他们不喜欢那里压抑的气氛)

2. They refers to the embrasures of the bomb shelters. (翻译:它们同防空洞的射击孔类似。)

3. Another 2,000 villagers were still waiting to be ferried to temporary shelters. (翻译:另有2,000名村民仍然等待着被运往临时避难所。)

4. Just building shelters in the snow (翻译:Just building shelters in the snow)

5. Shelters are gonna fill up fast. Now trust me, they'll be safer outside the city. (翻译:收容所很快就会满了, 他们去城外比较安全些)

6. Sadly, on top of all this, almost 50% of the animals brought to shelters are turned in by their caretakers. (翻译:最悲惨的事实是 50%的动物 是被它们的主人送到收容所)

7. Almost half the Japanese garrison was entombed alive or killed in a labyrinth of underground fighting positions and shelters. (翻译:几乎有一半的日本守军是被活埋或战死在迷宫般的地下阵地和坑道里。)

8. No, they seemed as keen on leaving as we were... perhaps retreating to shelters or bunkers. (翻译:No, they seemed as keen on leaving as we were... 可能是退到避难所或者掩体里去了 perhaps retreating to shelters or bunkers.)

9. If you have the weapons, you need the shelters. (翻译:有核武器 当然得有核掩体 If you have the weapons, you need the shelters.)

10. To survive in these waters scarce in nutrients, coral shelters an alga within it which feeds by day on sunlight. (翻译:为了在这片营养匮乏的水域生存 珊瑚庇护着一种 靠光合作用为生的藻类)

11. We've got footage of the shelters and the testimony of a three-star general. (翻译:我手头有避难所的影像资料 和三星将军的证词)

12. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids. (翻译:这座城市的防空掩体正在准备中,以防可能发生的空袭。)

13. Due to the increase of euthanasia in shelters, and the growing, constant, demand for drugs like Euthasol, some shelters with budget constraints are forced to use gas chambers instead. (翻译:由于宠物收容所 愈来愈多的安乐死被实施 对Euthasoi之类药品的需求不断增长 一些收容所因为财政预算紧张 被迫采用了毒气室以取代安乐死)

14. additionally , the acw f reports to have opened shelters in guangxi , jiangsu , yunnan , and sichuan provinces. (翻译:此外,全国妇联说在广西、江苏、云南和四川也已经开设了收容所。)

15. In the ground, the anxiety to find shelters against raides aerial, it was changedded into one feared daily routine. (翻译:在它们下面,当防空警报响起 就冲向防空洞 成了一项令人畏惧的每日例行公事)



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