rinse是什么意思 rinse的中文翻译、读音、例句

rinse是什么意思 rinse的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:rinse off 洗掉、冲掉、rinse out 冲洗干净、rinse away 持续冲刷

短语:a mouth rinse 口腔漱口液



1. I rinse my hair with cold water to make it shine. 我用冷水冲洗头发让它更有光泽。

2. After washing your hands, be sure to rinse off all the soap. 洗完手后一定要冲洗掉所有的肥皂。

3. The chef rinsed the vegetables before chopping them. 主厨在切菜之前先用水冲洗了蔬菜。

4. I use a mouth rinse to freshen my breath. 我用口腔漱口液来清新口气。

5. She rinsed the soap off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. 她把肥皂冲洗干净后放入洗碗机。



1. I always rinse my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.


2. After brushing your teeth, don't forget to rinse your mouth with water.


3. I need to rinse the soap off my hands before I touch anything.





例句:Bring a pot of water to boil. Rinse the sago and pour into the boiled water. (烧开一锅水,将西米用水清洗一下,入滚水锅中。)


例句:You'll need to rinse them well before use, and rehydrate them. (在拿出来食用之前,要充分地冲洗,并用水把豆子再次泡开。)


例句:And then the suds and then the water again, um, to like... rinse it. (然后是肥皂水,然后再浇水 呃,就像... 洗头那样)


例句:L Submerse part in 140 degree cleaner for 5 min, rinse. (翻译:将零件浸入140度的清洁剂中5分钟,清洗。)


rinse一般作为名词、动词使用,如在rinse with(用…冲洗(或漂洗);就着…喝(酒);边吃…边喝(酒))、to rinse([网络] 浸洗;浣涤;用清水冲洗)、fast rinse(速冲洗)等常见短语中出现较多。

rinse with用…冲洗(或漂洗);就着…喝(酒);边吃…边喝(酒)
to rinse[网络] 浸洗;浣涤;用清水冲洗
fast rinse速冲洗
final rinse终淋洗
gross rinse[网络] 粗洗
hair rinse[医]染发液
reclaim rinse漂洗回收
rinse ... outv. 洗涤\n[网络] 冲洗掉;冲荡;保丽护色护发素
rinse aid[网络] 漂洗助剂;家用洗碗机专用光洁剂;水的硬度跟软水剂


1. And then the suds and then the water again, um, to like... rinse it. (翻译:然后是肥皂水,然后再浇水 呃,就像... 洗头那样)

2. L Submerse part in 140 degree cleaner for 5 min, rinse. (翻译:将零件浸入140度的清洁剂中5分钟,清洗。)

3. Pour the dregs away and rinse the pot. (翻译:倒掉沉渣, 把壶涮干净。)

4. Grime and dubstep were brothers, often cohabiting on the same pirate stations, like Rinse FM. (翻译:Grime与dubstep是兄弟,常常一同在Rinse FM等海盗电台共存。)

5. Or worse, you let it run until it's warm to rinse out your towel. (翻译:更糟糕的是,你或许会让水流着直到变热为止 以洗净你的抹布。)

6. usage : use at last rinse , 40g for 10kg dry fabrics. (翻译:用法:在最后漂洗织物时,每10公斤织物加本品40克。)

7. Now, pain makes you do something, in this case, rinse your eyes until the sand is gone. (翻译:疼痛要你采取行动 此例中是要你 冲洗眼睛,直到沙子消失 )

8. Wash and parboil duck tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Rinse and drain well. (翻译:鸭脷洗净,放入滚水中煮5分钟,取出洗净。)

9. Rinse bottles, bulb syringes, and neti pots are available at most drugstores. (翻译:干净的瓶子,球茎注射器,以及在大多数要点出售的洗鼻壶。)

10. Peel jade marrows, rinse, cut into sections, and scoop out the centre. (翻译:翠玉瓜去皮,冲净,切段,刮去瓜瓤,备用。)

11. One way is to rinse the clothes with cold water then rub with sea salt. (翻译:其中一种方法是把衬衫浸泡在冷水中 然后抓一把盐放进去)

12. Rinse bottles, bulb syringes, and neti pots are available at most drugstores. (翻译:干净的瓶子,球茎注射器,以及在大多数要点出售的洗鼻壶。)

13. Just rinse it with water and add a smidgen of conditioner. (翻译:只是用清水冲洗干净并加一点点护发素。)

14. Rinse the sutured area with warm water after each meal. (翻译:每次吃了饭之后用温水漱洗缝合的地方。)

15. Can I rinse now that you got your evidence? (翻译:三角帮指责113帮 113帮责怪三角帮 感觉像是栽赃 只是不知道是哪一边)



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