1. 方面一:词义
- He's a great blocker on the basketball court.
- The firewall acts as a blocker, blocking all suspicious traffic.
- The ad blocker prevents pop-up ads from displaying on the screen.
2. 方面二:缩写词
'blocker'是许多缩写词的一部分。例如,在网球中,'SABR'是指' Sneak Attack By Roger', 是一种出奇制胜的进攻战术;'DNS'是指域名系统,负责将域名和对应的IP地址相映射;'ADHD'是一种注意力缺陷多动障碍。
- Federer used the SABR tactic to surprise his opponent and win the point.
- When you type a URL into your browser, your computer sends a DNS request to resolve the IP address.
- Students with ADHD may benefit from accommodations such as extra time on exams.
3. 方面三:常见短语
'blocker'也常常出现在某些短语中,例如:'writer's block', 'block out', 'roadblock'等等。'writer's block'指的是写作困境,'block out'可以指挡住光线或者忽略某个事情,'roadblock'则是路障。
- The writer's block has prevented the author from producing any new work for months.
- I have to block out all distractions and focus on my work.
- The protesters met a roadblock in front of the government building.
1. The pop-up blocker prevents unwanted advertisements from appearing on your screen. (弹窗拦截器可以防止不必要的广告在您的屏幕上出现。)
2. The defensive lineman is a skilled blocker who can protect the quarterback from oncoming defenders. (防守线手是一名熟练的阻拦者,可以保护四分卫免受来袭的防守人员的攻击。)
3. The VPN blocker prevented me from accessing certain websites from my current location. (VPN屏蔽器阻止我从当前位置访问某些网站。)
例句:Some young Chinese players, for example middle blocker Yang Junjing and libero Shan Dan'na, are also worth watching. (有一些年轻队员,比如杨珺菁和单丹娜也是值得注意的。)
例句:CONCLUSION: Lig is a blocker of calcium channel. (结论:川芎嗪有钙通道阻滞作用。)
例句:What's interesting is, in fact, the same company that sold us 80 million pounds of atrazine, the breast cancer promoter, now sells us the blocker -- the exact same company. (事实上,更有趣的是, 销售八千万镑的阿特拉津的公司 ——乳腺癌的推广者, 现在又在卖阻滞剂,同一家公司。)
例句:The prison's site blocker missed it, but I didn't. (翻译:监狱的过滤程序并没有拦截到这条信息 发现了)
blocker一般作为名词使用,如在flame blocker(火焰间苗器)、histamine blocker(【病理学】组胺释出阻断症)、millinery blocker(女帽模工)等常见短语中出现较多。
flame blocker | 火焰间苗器 |
histamine blocker | 【病理学】组胺释出阻断症 |
millinery blocker | 女帽模工 |
neuromuscular blocker | 神经肌肉阻断剂 |
receptor blocker | 受体阻断剂、受器阻断剂 |
spyware blocker | [网络] 间谍拦截;间谍软体阻挡;间谍软件拦截 |
starch blocker | (减肥用的)淀粉吸收阻断剂[亦作 starchblock] |
sun blocker | [网络] 太阳阻滞剂 |
write blocker | [网络] 写保护器;只读锁 |
1. What's interesting is, in fact, the same company that sold us 80 million pounds of atrazine, the breast cancer promoter, now sells us the blocker -- the exact same company. (翻译:事实上,更有趣的是, 销售八千万镑的阿特拉津的公司 ——乳腺癌的推广者, 现在又在卖阻滞剂,同一家公司。)
2. The prison's site blocker missed it, but I didn't. (翻译:监狱的过滤程序并没有拦截到这条信息 发现了)
3. AIM: To explore the effects of carbenoxolone (CBX), a gap junction blocker, on the neuron injury induced by focal cerebral infarct. (翻译:目的:探讨缝隙连接阻断剂甘珀酸对大鼠光化学局灶性脑梗死神经元损害的影响。)
4. What's interesting is, in fact, the same company that sold us 80 million pounds of atrazine, the breast cancer promoter, now sells us the blocker -- the exact same company. (翻译:事实上,更有趣的是, 销售八千万镑的阿特拉津的公司 ——乳腺癌的推广者, 现在又在卖阻滞剂,同一家公司。)
5. I talked to the chief of internal medicine at northwest, and she said that this is a "beta blocker overdose," (翻译:但他并没有使用β阻滞剂 那他怎么了 我找不到答案)
6. Get a blocker, head for the end zone. (翻译:翩ミヌ ヌヘユ・レ碆 マンヌレ ・ヌハフ蔼N莽・ヌ砒マン)
7. Effect of anion exchange blocker DIDS on nonspecific phagocytic process of human retinal pigment epithelial cells (翻译:阴离子交换蛋白阻滞剂DIDS对人视网膜色素上皮细胞非特异性吞噬过程的影响)
8. Want to get a blocker out of the way so one of your hitters can step through? (翻译:想要将挡路者推开好让你的打手可以穿越吗?)
9. We evaluated the effects of therapy with an angiotensin-receptor blocker, telmisartan, initiated early after a stroke. (翻译:我们评价了卒中后早期应用血管紧张素受体拮抗剂,替米沙坦,的作用。)
10. Mr Fok took to calling himself "the blocker" as he repeatedly turned down capital spending proposals in the face of mounting 3G problems. (翻译:霍建宁已习惯于以“拦路虎”自嘲,因为面对3G部门堆积如山的问题,他一而再再而三的否绝了资本支出计划。)
11. We evaluated the effects of therapy with an angiotensin-receptor blocker, telmisartan, initiated early after a stroke. (翻译:我们评价了卒中后早期应用血管紧张素受体拮抗剂,替米沙坦,的作用。)
12. Bosentan is a competitive blocker of endothelin receptors administered by the oral route. (翻译:波生坦是一个有竞争力的内皮素受体阻滞剂管理的口头路线。)
13. The next day, they saw the pictures again but half were given the drug propranolol, a beta-blocker commonly used to treat heart disease. (翻译:第二天,再次看这些图片,而仅仅给一半人服用药物,一种普遍用以治疗心脏病的药品。)
14. Fail-safe not responding. There's a problem with the neural blocker! (翻译:紧急防护措施没反应 神经系统的电阻出问题了)
15. During 15 min of carina resection, oxygenation of his left lung was maintained with the bronchial blocker bridging the airway discontinuity. (翻译:在15分钟的隆突切除,氧合他左肺保持与支气管的气道阻断弥合间断。)