1. 意义:namely是一个副词,通常用于引出更具体的信息或说明。它可以用来代替“that is to say”或“specifically”。
2. 用法:namely通常在逗号后面使用,引出一个或一组具体的例子或信息。它可以帮助读者更好地理解上下文,同时强调某些内容的重要性。
3. 同义词:即,也就是,也就是说,也就是说,具体来说
4. 运用场景:namely的使用场景非常广泛,适用于学术论文,商务信函,新闻报道,以及各种形式的写作和口语表达。
5. 注意点:使用namely时,需要注意其前后的语境。它应该仅用于引出特定信息或说明,而不应该替换其他词汇,如such as或including。
1. Many students struggle with academic writing, namely, structuring their essays effectively.
2. The company specializes in a range of products, namely, electronic devices, household appliances, and audio equipment.
3. The film was a huge success, namely, due to the outstanding performances of the lead actors.
4. Many people are hesitant to start their own business, namely, because of the financial risks involved.
5. The study examined several factors that contribute to job satisfaction, namely, salary, job security, and work-life balance.
1. Our company specializes in three areas, namely technology, marketing, and design. (我们公司专注于三个领域,即技术、市场和设计。)
2. The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss the financial report, namely the profits and losses of the company. (会议的主要目的是讨论财务报告,也就是公司的利润和损失。)
3. The committee is comprised of five members, namely the chairman, the secretary, and three other members. (委员会由五名成员组成,包括主席、秘书和另外三名成员。)
namely的意思是"也就是 、即",其次还有"就是"的意思,单词读音音标为['neimli],namely来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到36个与namely相关的例句。
例句:The copper trihydroxychloride has three isomers, namely atacamite, botallackite and paratacamite. (三羟基氯化铜有三个常见的异构体,氯铜矿、斜氯铜矿和副氯铜矿。)
例句:In the Patriot, namely Professor Victor Golbanov, (他非常嫉妒爱国者项目的维克多高本维教授。)
例句:And it starts with internalizing heroic imagination, namely - I could do it. (这些来自内化在心底的英雄情结,即——我能办到! )
例句:What's called the first 9/11, in south america namely in Chile. (翻译:在南美被称为 第一次911事件 发生在智利)
1. And it starts with internalizing heroic imagination, namely - I could do it. (翻译:这些来自内化在心底的英雄情结,即——我能办到! )
2. What's called the first 9/11, in south america namely in Chile. (翻译:在南美被称为 第一次911事件 发生在智利)
3. Namely, that society really can't operate, if production is stopped for some time. (翻译:也就是,如果在战争同时停止生产活动 那么整个社会肯定将无法运转)
4. Since namely namely misconceive, that explanation clear nice. (翻译:既然是个误会,那解释清楚就好了。)
5. Labor has twoness, namely specific work and abstract work. (翻译:劳动具有二重性,即具体劳动与抽象劳动。)
6. deepens: Deepening is to be in namely revulsive enter further in relaxation procedure static. (翻译:加深:加深即是在诱导放松的过程中进一步入静。)
7. There is one great advantage in dermatology, namely, that of dealing with an organ that can be seen and felt. (翻译:但是皮肤病学有一个巨大的优势,那就是要处理的器官既能看到,又能扪及。)
8. Or you can be transcendental future: namely, life begins after death. (翻译:或者超越未来 指的是:生命在死后重新开始 )
9. Namely, the skills of unity, planning, and maintaining nonviolent discipline. (翻译:它们分别是团结、规划 和坚持和非暴力斗争。)
10. He knows five Romance languages , namely , French , Spanish , Portuguese, Italian and Rumanian . (翻译:他懂得法语、西班牙语、葡语、意大利语、罗马尼亚语等五种罗曼斯语。)
11. Work nonstop continuously, exhaustion of as a result, nervily, a little be frighted namely insomnia person; (翻译:连续不休息地工作,以致疲劳,神经过敏,稍微受惊即失眠者;)
12. Or you can be transcendental future: namely, life begins after death. (翻译:或者超越未来 指的是:生命在死后重新开始)
13. Mental development arrearage is in children period is discovered namely more. (翻译:精神发育迟滞多是在儿童时期即被发现。)
14. The railroad connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago. (翻译:这条铁路连接两个城市,即纽约与芝加哥。)
15. Namely, that technology is enabling trust between strangers. (翻译:一言以蔽之,新技术 能够让 陌生人间也能建立起信任来。)