lets go是什么意思 lets go的中文翻译、读音、例句

lets go是什么意思 lets go的中文翻译、读音、例句

我不是一名英语老师,可以根据语言学知识为您提供关于“lets go”的相关信息。

1. 词源: "let's go" 短语来自于 "let us go" 的缩写,这是一种口语化的表达方式。

2. 用法: "let's go" 表达的是发起行动的意愿,通常用于催促或邀请某人,表示“我们走吧”,有时也作为欢呼口号。

3. 同义词: "let's get going"、"let's hit the road"和 "let's get moving"等类似短语也可以用于表达同样的意思。

4. 用途: "let's go"可以在多种场景中使用,例如:旅行、购物、参加派对等。

5. 文化含义: "let's go"还可以用作某些团队运动或活动的口号,展示团队力量并激励团队成员一起前行。


1. "Let's go" 代表我们要动身了。

2. "Let's go" 意味着我们在一起去做某些事情。

3. "Let's go" 是一种鼓舞人心的口号。

4. "Let's go" 可以在领袖或运动员捏造情景时起到推动作用。

5. "Let's go" 是表达紧急感和即将出发的一种方式。


1. "Let's go to the beach tomorrow." (明天我们去海滩吧。)

2. "Let's go shopping." (咱们去买东西吧。)

3. "Let's go, team!" (团队,我们一起前进!)

4. "Let's go for a run." (我们去跑步吧。)

5. "Let's go, guys!" (同志们,我们出发啦!)

'lets go'的中文翻译是“走吧”(zǒu ba)。

读音:zǒu ba


1. Come on, let's go to the movies tonight.(来嘛,今晚去看电影吧。)

2. Let's go on a hike this weekend.(这个周末我们去远足吧。)

3. Hurry up, let's go catch our flight.(快点,我们赶紧去赶飞机。)

lets go的意思是"我们行动吧、网络",还有走吧的意思,读音为[letsgo],lets go来源于英语,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到66个与lets go相关的例句。

Lets go的释义


例句:This is what we do, Marines! Go, go, go, go, go! (硂碞琌и戮砫┮嘲驹钉 Gogogogogo)


例句:Doesn't matter, Dave. Put everything in a bag and lets go! (别管那些 戴夫 把东西都装到袋子里然后我们走!)


例句:Lets me keep an eye on my enemies. (可以让我注意敌人的踪迹 Lets me keep an eye on my enemies.)


例句:Eat Faster, lets go to Wansalong to look for MB (翻译:嘿我说 吃饭完了 去旺沙蓝龙那片找MB吧!)


lets go一般作为名词使用,如在lets go of(释放,松手放开)、lets it go(任它去,放下)、lets(abbr. 地方交易系统(Local Exchange Trading System))等常见短语中出现较多。

lets go of释放,松手放开
lets it go任它去,放下
letsabbr. 地方交易系统(Local Exchange Trading System)
lets in onvt. 让…参与,与…分享;让…知道(秘密),告知
lets into让…进入
lets onna. 假装;泄密
lets downna. 抛弃;放落;损坏威信
lets it rip顺其自然\n任其发展\n开足马力
lets it slide听其自然


1. Lets me keep an eye on my enemies. (翻译:可以让我注意敌人的踪迹 Lets me keep an eye on my enemies.)

2. Eat Faster, lets go to Wansalong to look for MB (翻译:嘿我说 吃饭完了 去旺沙蓝龙那片找MB吧!)

3. Oh Jesus, she never lets up! (翻译:哦上帝,她就不放手! Oh Jesus, she never lets up!)

4. He still lets me order him around a little. (翻译:他仍然有点把我当老大 He still lets me order him around a little.)

5. Brown Ben lets it go, but one day we'll get us a real armorer. (翻译:布朗·本对此熟视无睹但是有一天我们会给自己找到个真正的武器师傅。)

6. He is very important to Gary, So lets not go there, allright? (翻译:他对加里很重要,所以不要让他去那里好吗?)

7. If Armando lets you out they'll go after him... then the Mayor, all the way up (翻译:如果阿曼多让你出去 可能会被市长知道 掉脑袋的)

8. Your brain just lets it go. The brain doesn't need to fill that in. (翻译:你的大脑就由它去了。大脑不需要填充它。)

9. It's okay, lets go and steal another one (翻译:Iets go and steaI another one)

10. Gas company just lets a talented man like you go? (翻译:石油公司刚裁掉... 一个像你那么优秀的人才吗 ?)

11. She never lets me milk her. (翻译:她从来都不让我挤奶 She never lets me milk her.)

12. The government lets a private company make money for nothing (翻译:政府让私企白赚钱 The goverment lets a private company make money for nothing)

13. [ sobbing ] What kind of God lets this happen? (翻译:WHAT KIND OF GOD LETS THIS HAPPEN?)

14. But, outside the Wukesong ball hall more is not the fan, but resells the ox which the ticket lets go eagerly. (翻译:但是,五棵松球馆外更多的不是球迷,而是倒卖球票急于脱手的黄牛。)

15. But once in custody, he lets it be known that he is in fact, Colonel Arkady blah-blah of the Committee for State Security and wishes to parley. (翻译:he lets it be known Colonel Arkady blah -blah of the Committee for State Security)

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