callisto是什么意思 callisto的中文翻译、读音、例句

callisto是什么意思 callisto的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Callisto是希腊神话中的猎户座中最亮的恒星之一,也是木星的第二大卫星。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:无。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:kəˈlɪstoʊ。


1. Callisto is one of the four largest moons of Jupiter.


2. The star Callisto is located in the constellation Ursa Major.


3. Scientists discovered evidence of liquid water on the surface of Callisto.


4. Jupiter's moon Callisto has a heavily cratered surface.


5. The NASA spacecraft Galileo sent back images of Callisto during its mission.




1. Callisto est une des quatre plus grosses lunes de Jupiter. (法语:Callisto是木星四大卫星之一。)

2. Callisto es uno de los satélites más grandes de Júpiter. (西班牙语:Callisto是木星最大的卫星之一。)

3. Callisto é um dos quatro maiores satélites de Júpiter. (葡萄牙语:Callisto是木星四大卫星之一。)

4. Callisto ist einer der vier größten Monde des Jupiter. (德语:Callisto是木星四大卫星之一。)

5. Callisto è uno dei quattro satelliti più grandi di Giove. (意大利语:Callisto是木星四大卫星之一。)

6. Callisto est une marque de chaussures italienne. (法语:Callisto是一家意大利鞋业品牌。)

7. Callisto es una marca italiana de calzado. (西班牙语:Callisto是一家意大利鞋业品牌。)

8. Callisto ist eine italienische Schuhmarke. (德语:Callisto是一家意大利鞋业品牌。)

9. Callisto è un marchio italiano di calzature. (意大利语:Callisto是一家意大利鞋业品牌。)

Callisto的中文翻译是卡利斯托,读音为kǎ lì sī tuō。


1. Callisto是木星最大的四颗卫星之一。

2. 在古希腊神话中,卡利斯托是一位美丽的女神,被宙斯所爱。

3. 天文学家使用卡利斯托的观测数据来研究木星的引力场。




例句:Send us the addresses for Ancora and Callisto. (把Ancora和Callisto的地址发给我们)


例句:Take two of Jupiter's moons, Callisto and Ganymede two very different moons, each born from the same debris when Jupiter was still young. (以木卫四和木卫三为例 两颗截然不同的木星卫星 都在木星年轻时)


例句:Download the Eclipse Callisto bundle to get the basic components required to install the ATF. (下载EclipseCallisto包获得安装ATF所需的基本组件。)


例句:St. John Bosco, the founder of the Salesians, received a dream about China. Since then, St. Luigi Versiglia and St. Callisto Caravario worked tireless in China and even offered their lives. (翻译:自慈幼会会祖圣鲍思高往中国传教的神梦后,圣雷鸣道和圣高惠黎不辞劳苦地为中国服务,甚至献上性命。)


1. Download the Eclipse Callisto bundle to get the basic components required to install the ATF. (翻译:下载EclipseCallisto包获得安装ATF所需的基本组件。)

2. St. John Bosco, the founder of the Salesians, received a dream about China. Since then, St. Luigi Versiglia and St. Callisto Caravario worked tireless in China and even offered their lives. (翻译:自慈幼会会祖圣鲍思高往中国传教的神梦后,圣雷鸣道和圣高惠黎不辞劳苦地为中国服务,甚至献上性命。)

3. The large "bulls-eye" at the top of the image is believed to be an impact basin formed early in Callisto's history. (翻译:在图像的顶部的一个大的“公牛眼睛”被认为是早期木卫4的历史上被撞击而形成的盆地。)

4. Which of these three would most likely survive in the extreme environment of the Jupiter moon Callisto, and why? (翻译:哪一种更有可能 在类似木卫四的极端严酷环境下存活 并请陈述原因)

5. This Voyager 1 image of Jupiter's moon Callisto was taken from a distance of 217,000 miles. (翻译:旅行者1号在 217 000英里的距离上所拍摄的的木卫4的照片。)

6. Hera heard her cries and laughed. Hera was happy with what she had done and didn't answer Callisto's prayers. (翻译:希拉听到她的哭泣却哈哈大笑。她为自己所做的一切得意洋洋。而对克丽丝桃的祈求置之不理。)

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