ando是什么意思 ando的中文翻译、读音、例句

ando是什么意思 ando的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. and others:表示其他人、其他事物等。常用于书信、科研论文、法律文件等正式场合。


- The report recommends reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and others.


- The survey found that 70% of participants preferred coffee over tea, juice, and others.


2. Android:是一种操作系统,主要用于移动设备如智能手机和平板电脑等。该词源于希腊语中的andro(人类)和oid(形状),因此意为“人形”。


- Most new smartphones use the Android operating system, which allows for a wide range of apps and customization options.


- The Android platform has become increasingly popular among developers due to its open-source nature and flexibility.


3. Andorra:是欧洲的一个小国,位于法国和西班牙之间,以其美丽的山脉、滑雪胜地和免税商品而闻名。


- During the winter season, many tourists flock to Andorra to enjoy skiing and snowboarding in the Pyrenees Mountains.


- Andorra is known for its duty-free shopping, with many visitors taking advantage of the low prices on luxury goods such as perfume and alcohol.


1. 中文翻译:走,行进,步行

2. 读音:àn dōu

3. 例句:

- 我们一起走,一边欣赏沿途的美景。 (We walk together and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.)

- 他走得很快,几步之后就离得远远的了。 (He walks very fast, and after a few steps, he is far away.)




例句:If Tadao Ando has one weakness it may by a difficulty in translating the grandeur of his smaller buildings to a larger scale. (如果安藤忠雄有个弱点的话,那就是他很难将他小型建筑里的壮丽转变到更大的范围中。)


例句:This is the most well-known example, Tadao Ando's Church of Light. (接下来是个非常著名的例子, 安藤忠雄设计的光之教堂。)


例句:United defender Rio Ferdinand told Sky Sports News this may be the season in which Ando fulfils his promise. (曼联后卫费迪南德告诉天空体育新闻本赛季就是安德森扬名立万的最佳机会。)


例句:Reiko Nishimura was a chimera created by Harumi Hagio... when in fact... the nurse Rika Ando and your friend Hasegawa... were people that she... (翻译:西村丽子是萩尾春海所制造出的假象 实际上护士安藤理香 你的朋友都是被萩尾春海给)


ando一般作为名词使用,如在T'ando([地名] 炭岛 ( 朝 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

T'ando[地名] 炭岛 ( 朝 )


1. United defender Rio Ferdinand told Sky Sports News this may be the season in which Ando fulfils his promise. (翻译:曼联后卫费迪南德告诉天空体育新闻本赛季就是安德森扬名立万的最佳机会。)

2. Reiko Nishimura was a chimera created by Harumi Hagio... when in fact... the nurse Rika Ando and your friend Hasegawa... were people that she... (翻译:西村丽子是萩尾春海所制造出的假象 实际上护士安藤理香 你的朋友都是被萩尾春海给)

3. Here, on hill above a small port, Tadao Ando build his Water Temple. (翻译:在此处一座小港口附近的山丘上,安藤建造了水之神庙。)

4. Ruiko Aota, Masami Akiba, Asao Ando... (翻译:不是这样的 青田类子 秋叶正已 裤田阿佐绪)

5. When the Empire took over Ando, they turned it into a police state designed to quell the various Aqualish uprisings. (翻译:到帝国接管安多时,它被变成一个警卫站,专门镇压阿夸利什人的起义。)

6. Aren't you and Ando supposed to be... on vacation in America? (翻译:弘,你和安东不是到美国度假了吗? 我跳回来了)

7. How many years did Ando spend inventing instant noodles? (翻译:安藤发明方便面花了多少年? )

8. In this mature work of Tadao Ando, the visitor is invited to discover the architecture in relation to its natural setting. (翻译:在这座安藤忠雄的成熟作品里,参观者可以体会到建筑与自然环境之间的关系。)

9. The circle and other rigorous geometrical forms are the basic forms of Tadao Ando 's art presentation. (翻译:“禅圆”和其他严密的几何形式构成了安藤忠雄艺术表现的基本形式。)

10. Along this path Tadao Ando has placed a surprising group of 16 concrete columns in a square grid. (翻译:沿着这条小径,安藤在一个方形网格里放置了16尊令人惊奇的一组混凝土柱。)

11. 20 years ago, the Ando Faction had an violent outbreak for their rights. (翻译:xx年前安藤师父去世后 爆发了继承人大战)

12. Tadao Ando is the world 's greatest living architect. (翻译:安藤忠雄也是世界上最伟大的在世的建筑大师。)

13. Shigenori Takano and Tsutomu Ando shall cooperate with the organization as its consul and Supreme Advisor. (翻译:高野成德和安多力将负责协助工作 分别为领事和首席顾问)

14. This is the most well-known example, Tadao Ando's Church of the Light. (翻译:接下来是个非常著名的例子, 安藤忠雄设计的光之教堂。)

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