fruit of the earth是什么意思 fruit of the earth的中文翻译、读音、例句

fruit of the earth是什么意思 fruit of the earth的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:fruit of the earth指的是来自地球上自然生长的水果或蔬菜,也可以指自然的产物或天然的物质。


词组搭配:fruit of one's labor(劳动成果),fruit of one's loins(子女),fruit of the vine(葡萄果实),fruit of the womb(妊娠中的胎儿)


发音拼写:[fruːt ʌv ði ɜːθ]


1. 食用来自大地自然生长的水果和蔬菜,对身体非常有益。

Eating fruits and vegetables that are the fruit of the earth is very beneficial to our bodies.

2. 这些石头看起来像是大自然的产物,但实际上是人造的。

These stones look like the fruit of the earth, but they are actually man-made.

3. 夏天是采摘葡萄的时候,品尝这些美味的葡萄就像是品尝大地的果实。

Summer is the time to harvest grapes, and tasting these delicious fruits of the vine is like tasting the fruit of the earth.


As a farmer, I am very excited to see the fruit of my labor, the fruits of the earth.

5. 我们应该珍惜这些自然的产物,因为我们需要它们来维持我们的健康和生存。

We should cherish these natural fruits of the earth because we need them to maintain our health and survival.

6. 这个城市的周围有很多农场和果园,可以品尝到新鲜的、来自大地的水果和蔬菜。

There are many farms and orchards around this city where you can taste fresh fruits and vegetables that are the fruit of the earth.

7. 大自然的产品,如羊毛、棉花等,是我们生活中必不可少的材料。

Natural products like wool and cotton are essential materials in our lives and are the fruit of the earth.

fruit of the earth 的中文翻译为“大地之果”,读音为 [fru:t əv ði: ɜ:θ]。


1. The farmers work hard every day to harvest the fruit of the earth.


2. We should cherish the fruit of the earth and protect the environment.


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