morse是什么意思 morse的中文翻译、读音、例句

morse是什么意思 morse的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思: Morse是一个名字,也指摩尔斯电码(Morse code)。


常用场景: Morse code通常用于电报和无线电通信中,是一种短距离通信方式。而Morse作为名字则在英语国家普遍存在,例如美国国会中有许多议员姓Morse。


1. Morse code:摩尔斯电码

2. Morse key:摩尔斯电码键

3. Morse alphabet:摩尔斯电码字母表


1. Send in Morse code:用摩尔斯电码发送

2. Decode Morse code:解码摩尔斯电码

3. Learn Morse code:学习摩尔斯电码

发音拼写: ['mɔːs]



1. Morse code can be used to send messages through light as well as sound.(莫尔斯电码不仅可以通过声音发送信息,还可以通过灯光发送信息。)

2. Learning Morse code is a useful skill for amateur radio operators.(学习莫尔斯电码对业余电台操作员来说是一项有用的技能。)

3. Morse code was widely used during World War II for military communication.(莫尔斯电码在二战期间被广泛用于军事通信。)

4. The Morse code for the letter 'A' is dot-dash.(字母'A'的莫尔斯电码是点划。)

5. Morse code is still used today by some amateur radio enthusiasts.(一些业余电台爱好者今天仍在使用莫尔斯电码。)

6. The Morse code for the letter 'S' is three dots.(字母'S'的莫尔斯电码是三个点。)

7. Morse code can be sent using a variety of different mediums, including radio waves and light signals.(莫尔斯电码可以使用多种不同的媒介发送,包括无线电波和灯光信号。)

8. Morse code can be used to send messages long distances, even across oceans.(莫尔斯电码可以用于长距离传递消息,甚至可以跨越海洋。)

9. Morse code is still taught to some members of the military for emergency communication.(莫尔斯电码仍然是一些军人应急通讯培训的一部分。)




1. The Morse code was widely used in telegraph communication in the past.


2. Learning Morse code is still an important skill for many amateur radio enthusiasts.


3. The message was sent using Morse code, and it took a long time for the recipient to decode it.





例句:A swab of Amy Morse's neck found male DNA and amylase. (Amy Morse脖子的拭样里 分析出男性的DNA和淀粉□)


例句:Cooper, what if she never came back for it? (Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it?)


例句:Welcome back, Agent Morse. (欢迎归队 莫尔斯特工 Welcome back, Agent Morse.)


例句:You know that Morse code message I got from the beach? (翻译:你知道我收到了 从海滩发来的摩斯密码吗?)


morse一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在Morse code(莫尔斯电码 )、inspector morse([网络] 莫尔思探长;督察莫斯;摩斯探长)、Morse alphabet(n. 摩尔斯电码)等常见短语中出现较多。

Morse code莫尔斯电码
inspector morse[网络] 莫尔思探长;督察莫斯;摩斯探长
Morse alphabetn. 摩尔斯电码
Morse apparatus莫尔斯电报机;莫尔斯装置
Morse Bluff[地名] 莫斯布拉夫 ( 美 )
Morse buret莫尔斯量管
Morse character莫尔斯电码
morse codes莫尔斯电报电码
Morse cone莫氏圆锥
Morse curve[化] 莫尔斯函数; 莫尔斯曲线


1. Welcome back, Agent Morse. (翻译:欢迎归队 莫尔斯特工 Welcome back, Agent Morse.)

2. You know that Morse code message I got from the beach? (翻译:你知道我收到了 从海滩发来的摩斯密码吗?)

3. - You, Ms. Morse, will live. (翻译:摩尔斯小姐 你会活下去的 You, Ms. Morse, will live.)

4. Sheldon, I'm not going to learn Morse code at 3:00 in the morning! (翻译:Sheldon 我才不要在凌晨三点学莫尔斯码!)

5. Morse is over there now, sir, but first glance would appear about 800 in cash. (翻译:Morse正在那里查 长官 但是粗略看来少了800镑现金)

6. More or less accused him of being behind this incident at The Mail last night. (翻译:大致是说Morse指控他在背后操纵了 昨晚在邮报发生的事情)

7. Finishing reamers for morse and metric tapers, with parallel shanks and morse taper shanks. (翻译:有直柄和莫氏锥度柄的莫氏锥度和米制锥度精加工铰刀)

8. Unless you've any objection, I'd like to send Constable Morse to take a look. (翻译:我想让Morse警员去看看 如果你不反对的话)

9. Morse, you mustn't think badly of them. They're all right, really. (翻译:Morse 你别对他们印象太差 真的 他们人还蛮好的)

10. It's a rum old go, Morse, and no mistake. Families. Shame. (翻译:这真是件怪事 Morse 这家人让人羞愧)

11. Fittingly, Mr Morse was in the Graham Greene room. (翻译:那会儿莫尔斯刚好在格雷安·格林曾经呆过的房间。)

12. No alibi, Morse. For Cartwright or the night Monkford died. (翻译:无论是Cartwright还是Monkford死的那晚 她都没有不在场证明 Morse)

13. Do you want to talk in morse code? (翻译:My friend patrick has a parakeet named robin,so there.)

14. Figured out what happened to Agent Morse. (翻译:got played today. 我们找到了莫尔斯特工的下落 Figured out what happened to Agent Morse,)

15. Fbi's attempting a morse code Signal from the observatory. (翻译:联邦调查局在试图从天文台发出摩斯密码信号)



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