copen是什么意思 copen的中文翻译、读音、例句

copen是什么意思 copen的中文翻译、读音、例句

我们无法找到 'Copen' 的确切意思。但是,COPEN 是哥本哈根的缩写,它是丹麦的首都和最大城市。下面是对 'Copen' 的介绍:

词义:无法确定 'Copen' 的确切词义。但是,作为缩写,它表示哥本哈根。

词性:作为缩写,COPEN 是一个名词。


1. CopenX:哥本哈根的创客空间。

2. CopenHill:哥本哈根新的休闲区,位于重建的垃圾填埋场上。

3. CopenArt:哥本哈根的一个艺术场馆,展示当代艺术。

4. CopenCycle:哥本哈根的一个共享单车服务。

5. CopenXFactory:一个支持初创企业的创新中心。


下面是7个 'Copen' 的相关中英文翻译例句:

1. Have you ever been to Copen?(你去过哥本哈根吗?)

2. The CopenHill experience was incredible.(CopenHill 的体验非常令人难忘。)

3. The CopenXFactory helped me to start my own business.(CopenXFactory 帮助我开了自己的公司。)

4. CopenCycle is a convenient way to explore the city.(CopenCycle 是探索城市的方便方式。)

5. CopenArt has some amazing exhibitions this month.(CopenArt 本月有一些令人惊叹的展览。)

6. The CopenX community is full of talented people.(CopenX 社区充满了才华横溢的人。)

7. Copen is known for its bike-friendly streets.(哥本哈根以自行车友好的街道而闻名。)



1. Copenhagen is known for its beautiful architecture and parks.(哥本哈根以其美丽的建筑和公园而闻名。)

2. The weather in Copenahgen can be quite unpredictable.(哥本哈根的天气可能相当不可预测。)

3. I'm planning a trip to Copenahgen next summer.(我计划在明年夏天去哥本哈根旅行。)




例句:Benji, can you open the door? (can you open the door?)


例句:"First, open the eye of Agamotto." (open the eye of agamotto.)


例句:Yip, open the window a bit (open the window a bit)


例句:Walter, seal all doors behind us and keep hatch to level C open. (翻译:沃尔特 把身后所有门都封锁 除了舱口到C层的那扇门)


1. Yip, open the window a bit (翻译:open the window a bit)

2. Walter, seal all doors behind us and keep hatch to level C open. (翻译:沃尔特 把身后所有门都封锁 除了舱口到C层的那扇门)

3. - Sheldon, open the door. - SHELDON: (翻译:SHeldon 开门 Sheldon, open the door.)

4. Or we will open it by force. (翻译:- 佩吉 - or we will open it by force.)

5. Congressional hearings open today... in the case of Bickhart pharmaceuticals... and its secret human test of the vaccine C.R.C. -13. (翻译:国会今天针对华卡特医药厂 暗中进行CRC -13疫苗)

6. ♪ yeah, you're pretty good-looking for a girl ♪ [ gasps ] ♪ your eyes are wide open ♪ (翻译:-looking for a girl』 『Your eyes are wide open』)

7. On my way to find an open cell in C block until D gets cleaned up. (翻译:我正要去C区找一个空狱房 {\3cH202020}On my way to find an open cell in C block 直到D区被收拾干净了 {\3cH202020}until D gets cleaned up.)

8. Is C-TPAT membership open to all foreign manufacturers? (翻译:C - TPAT是否面向所有国外制造商? )

9. # Open the door and let me in (翻译:# Open the door and let me in)

10. - One must keep an open mind. (翻译:One must keep an open mind.)

11. (chuckles) All right, you can open your eyes. (翻译:you can open your eyes.)

12. How do you get this thing open? (翻译:How do you get this thing open?)

13. ♪ Come back and get the streets open ♪ (翻译:♪ Come back and get the streets open ♪)

14. Okay, get me four units of packed cells... draw a new C.B.C., coags, open up her fluids. (翻译:- 帮助 输四个单位浓缩红细胞 重新查一下血常规 血凝 开始输液)

15. Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. (翻译:chests cracked wide open.)

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