flak是什么意思 flak的中文翻译、读音、例句

flak是什么意思 flak的中文翻译、读音、例句




- take flak:遭受非议、批评

- flak jacket:防弹衣

- flak gun:高射炮


发音拼写: /flæk/


1. The bomber aircraft was hit by flak from the enemy's anti-aircraft guns.

2. The athlete received a lot of flak for his controversial comments.

3. The soldiers wore flak jackets to protect themselves from gunfire.

4. The anti-aircraft crew operated the flak guns with precision.

5. The company is currently taking a lot of flak from customers for their poor customer service.

6. The journalist expected to receive flak from the government for his investigative report.

7. The pilot skillfully evaded the flak and successfully completed the mission.


1. 轰炸机遭遇了敌方高射炮的火力射击。

2. 运动员因为争议性言论遭受了很多批评。

3. 士兵们穿着防弹衣以保护自己免受枪击。

4. 防空部队精准地操控这些高射炮。

5. 这家公司目前因为糟糕的客户服务遭受了很多批评。

6. 那位记者预计会因他的调查报道遭受来自政府的非议。

7. 飞行员巧妙地躲避了炮火,并成功完成了任务。




1. The soldiers had to duck down to avoid the flak from the enemy's anti-aircraft guns. (士兵们不得不低头躲避敌人防空炮的炮弹碎片。)

2. The company received a lot of flak for their unethical business practices. (这家公司因其不道德的商业行为受到了很多的非难。)

3. The politician was prepared to face the flak from the media for his controversial comments. (这位政治家已经做好了因其有争议的言论而受到媒体抨击的准备。)




例句:Danny, this flak is not like I expected. Can't we fly above it? (丹尼,高射炮比我想象得厉害 我们能从上面飞过去吗?)


例句:Bombardier to Commander. Flak at 12 o'clock level. (投弹手呼叫指挥官 高射炮瞄准十二点钟方向)


例句:We can expect a forest of SAMs and flak. (我们预期萨母会像森林般的来 机枪子弹多到你可以躺在上面)


例句:The president is getting a lot of flak for that. (翻译:总统因为那件事正在遭受猛烈抨击。)


flak一般作为名词使用,如在flak artillery(高射炮兵)、flak catcher([网络] 投诉处理部)、flak catchers([网络] 投诉处理部\n(flak catcher 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

flak artillery高射炮兵
flak catcher[网络] 投诉处理部
flak catchers[网络] 投诉处理部\n(flak catcher 的复数)
flak jacketn. 防弹衣
flak map防空火力图
flak suit= flak jacket
flak vestn. 防弹背心
railroad flak铁道高射炮
railway flak铁道高射炮


1. We can expect a forest of SAMs and flak. (翻译:我们预期萨母会像森林般的来 机枪子弹多到你可以躺在上面)

2. The president is getting a lot of flak for that. (翻译:总统因为那件事正在遭受猛烈抨击。)

3. Most of it was captured from the German 5th Flak Division around Ploesti. (翻译:其中大部分都是从围绕在普洛耶什蒂的德军第5高炮师手中缴获的。)

4. Trees are flak, antiaircraft fire... from the geeks on the ground. (翻译:树就好比高射炮 , 非常危险 还会把车毁掉)

5. The idea was to get all the groups over the target simultaneously... so that enemy flak couldn't concentrate on any one group. (翻译:原来打算让全部人 同时轰炸目标... 那么敌机才不能 集中火力回击)

6. The bad news was that, oh yeah, the war effort really needed all of America's nylon for parachutes and tires and flak vests. (翻译:而坏消息就是,战争越演越烈导致全美国的尼龙都被用来制造降落伞,轮胎和防弹背心。)

7. Flak jackets and bullet-proof vests are popular because they allow for a free range of motion. (翻译:防弹衣和防弹背心就很流行 因为它不影响运动)

8. He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket. (翻译:他穿的很符合角色,一身shalwarkameez上面套了件防弹背心。)

9. Each day they put on flak jackets and kevlar helmets to go on patrols and operations with the men of the 2nd Battlion, 3rd Marine Regiment. (翻译:他们每天穿上防弹衣,戴上防弹头盔,跟着第三陆战团第二连的官兵去巡逻,执行作战任务。)

10. (man) Flak will be heavy, probably accurate, but you've been through worse before. (翻译:高射炮会很猛烈,很可能也很精确, 但你以前经历过更糟糕的)

11. Break off. Circle clear of the flak until the bombers return. (翻译:先停一下 待在高射炮射程外直到轰炸机返航)

12. After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stalingrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area. (翻译:在德国第9高炮师陷入斯大林格勒的包围圈后,罗马尼亚防空部队成为轴心国在该地区唯一的防空部队了。)

13. And the savviest leaders are already aware that the messenger is no fall guy, simply there to take the flak when things go wrong. (翻译:通情达理的领导也已开始明白,信使不是替罪羊,在那里等着出问题时代人受过。)

14. He looked the part wearing a shalwar kameez atop a flak jacket. (翻译:他穿的很符合角色,一身shalwar kameez 上面套了件防弹背心。)

15. Your armory includes a flak jacket, heavy lead bullets and a found by chance catacombs navigator, to say nothing about a bit of luck! (翻译:你的武器,包括防弹背心,重铅子弹和发现机会墓穴航海家,更谈不上运气!)



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