migraine是什么意思 migraine的中文翻译、读音、例句

migraine是什么意思 migraine的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:migraine是一种神经系统疾病,通常表现为头痛、恶心和视觉障碍等症状。

2. 发病原因:migraine的发病原因尚不清楚,但可能与遗传、神经传导和环境因素有关。

3. 分类:migraine可分为两种类型:有先兆的migraine和无先兆的migraine。有先兆的migraine通常会在头痛发作前出现视觉、感觉或语言障碍。

4. 症状:migraine的症状包括头痛、恶心、呕吐、光线敏感、声音敏感和视觉障碍等。

5. 治疗:migraine的治疗包括药物治疗和非药物治疗。药物治疗通常包括止痛药、三叉神经阻滞剂和抗抑郁药等。非药物治疗包括休息、饮食控制和心理治疗等。


1. She suffers from migraine headaches and has to take medication regularly.(她患有偏头痛,需要定期服药。)

2. I had a migraine attack last night and had to leave work early.(昨晚我突然发作了偏头痛,不得不提前离开工作。)

3. According to research, people with migraines are more likely to have depression.(根据研究,患有偏头痛的人更容易患有抑郁症。)

4. The doctor prescribed a new medication to help with my migraine symptoms.(医生开了一种新的药物,可以帮助缓解我的偏头痛症状。)

5. She found that avoiding certain foods helped reduce the frequency of her migraines.(她发现避免某些食物可以减少她偏头痛的发作频率。)


读音:mi·graine [ˈmiˌɡreɪn]


1. She suffered from a severe migraine yesterday and had to stay in bed all day. (她昨天患了严重的偏头痛,不得不整天卧床。)

2. Drinking too much coffee can trigger a migraine. (过量饮用咖啡会引发偏头痛。)

3. Some people experience an aura before a migraine attack. (某些人在偏头痛发作前会出现先兆症状。)

4. My doctor prescribed some medication to help relieve my migraines. (我的医生开了一些药物来帮助缓解我的偏头痛。)

5. The pain from a migraine can be debilitating and last for several days. (偏头痛的疼痛可以让人无法正常生活,持续数日。)

migraine的中文解释是"周期性偏头痛、医",还有偏头痛的意思,读音为['mi:^rein, 'mai-],migraine来源于英语,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到55个与migraine相关的句子。



例句:Q . What is the connection between migraine and patent foramen ovale? (偏头痛与卵圆孔未闭有什么联系。)


例句:No, "replied the new salesman. " He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife's migraine. (不,“刚来的销售员回答,”事实上他的妻子偏头痛,他是为她买瓶阿斯匹林的。)


例句:The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness. (轻重的影响似乎是历史上最头痛的妇女病或旅行。)

4.偏头痛 、偏头痛

例句:And auras can be erased and the migraine, then, does not occur. (翻译:偏头痛的预兆没有了,甚至症状也不再发生了。)


migraine一般作为名词使用,如在fulgurating migraine([医] 闪电状偏头痛)、hemiplegic migraine(偏瘫性偏头痛)、histamine migraine(组胺性偏头痛)等常见短语中出现较多。

fulgurating migraine[医] 闪电状偏头痛
hemiplegic migraine偏瘫性偏头痛
histamine migraine组胺性偏头痛
migraine attack[网络] 偏头痛攻击
migraine headacheun. 偏头痛\n[网络] 偏头疼;周期性偏头痛;偏头痛类
ocular migraine[医] 眼型偏头痛
ophthalmic migraine[医] 眼型偏头痛
red migraine[医] 脸红偏头痛
vascular migraine血管性偏头痛


1. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness. (翻译:轻重的影响似乎是历史上最头痛的妇女病或旅行。)

2. And auras can be erased and the migraine, then, does not occur. (翻译:偏头痛的预兆没有了,甚至症状也不再发生了。)

3. Objective:To discover the action mechanism of Naotong Liting capsule as a medicine used to cure migraine. (翻译:目的:探讨脑痛立停胶囊治疗偏头痛的作用机理。)

4. Relationship between intracranial hemodynamics and nitric oxide, endothelin and nailfold microcirculation in patients with migraine (翻译:偏头痛患者颅内血流动力学与一氧化氮、内皮素及甲襞微循环的关系)

5. The prodrome may be considered to be the Migraineur's "yellow light, " a warning that a Migraine is imminent. (翻译:前驱期被认为是偏头痛的“黄灯”--偏头痛即将发作的警告。)

6. Do you want to be an insurance salesman, Changez, with a mortgage and a migraine? (翻译:你想以后去卖保险为生吗 昌盖兹? Do you want to be an insurance salesman, Changez? 身负抵押贷款 每天头痛?)

7. You said that your wife had a migraine last night, which is the enablers' code for "drunk." (翻译:你说你太太昨晚偏头痛 可能是喝多了造成的)

8. ROSHI training may reduce the number and severity of migraine headaches by promoting resilience and flexibility. (翻译:Roshi训练可以通过提高大脑机动性和弹性减少偏头痛的次数和强度。)

9. Objective:To explore the effects of Lutong An grain on hemorheologic parameters and to investigate the clinic effect on Vascular Headache (Migraine). (翻译:目的:观察颅痛安颗粒对血管性头痛的疗效及其对血液流变学指标的影响。)

10. We have a mission statement for our company doing migraine, which is, "Prevent or ameliorate migraine headaches by the application of a safe, controlled magnetic pulse applied, as needed, by the patient." (翻译:我们公司治疗偏头痛的宗旨是, 为了预防或减轻偏头痛 可以使用一个安全的,具有可操控性的电磁脉冲 来作用于需要服务的病人身上。” )

11. ... andnow,of alltimes, I get a migraine! Get my drops! (翻译:现在,象往常一样 我开始偏头痛,给我拿药)

12. Stacy Sager: But for Christina Sidebottom, almost anything was worth trying if it could stop a migraine. (翻译:但是对于克里斯蒂娜来说,如果它能制止偏头痛,任何东西都值得试一下。)

13. I get migraine headaches if I smell certain things, or if I eat certain things. (翻译:我得到偏头痛 如果我闻到了某些事情, 或者如果我吃了某些东西。)

14. Objective: To observe the clinical effect on migraine treated by Tongqiao Huoxue decoction. (翻译:目的:观察通窍活血汤治疗偏头痛的临床疗效。)

15. If migraine can't be relieved by over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, triptans can help. (翻译:如果非处方药如布洛芬缓释胶囊等无法减轻偏头痛,那么可试试曲坦类药物,或有所帮助。)



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