necklace是什么意思 necklace的中文翻译、读音、例句

necklace是什么意思 necklace的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:项链,由一串或几串珠子、宝石、金属链等物品制成,戴在脖子上的装饰品。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:项链是女性常用的一种装饰品,被用于各种正式或非正式场合,如婚礼、舞会、晚宴、派对、日常穿着等等。

4. 词组搭配:bead necklace(珠串项链)、pearl necklace(珍珠项链)、gold necklace(金项链)、silver necklace(银项链)、choker necklace(领口项链)等。

5. 相关短语:put on a necklace(戴上项链)、take off a necklace(摘下项链)、buy a necklace(买项链)、give a necklace as a gift(送项链作为礼物)等。

6. 发音拼写:/ˈnɛkləs/(英式发音)、/ˈnɛkləs/(美式发音)。




1. She wore a beautiful necklace with a diamond pendant.


2. The necklace was a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation.


3. He gave her a necklace as a birthday present, and she was thrilled with it.


4. The thief stole a valuable necklace from the jewelry store.





例句:They want the necklace, not you. (他们的目的是项坠 只要你离开那个项坠就能安全的)


例句:♪ I eat you for breakfast, diamonds on my necklace ♪ (# I eat you for breakfast, diamonds on my necklace #)


例句:Big necklace around the neck and a strange tattoo here. (大项链在脖子上... ... ......)


例句:The necklace you gave Laura with the golden heart. (翻译:你送给萝拉的项练 你得把另一半的坠子给我)


necklace一般作为名词、动词使用,如在the necklace([网络] 项链;项链图片;项链小说)、gold necklace([网络] 金项链;千足金项链;黄金项链)、necklace poplar([网络] 项链杨树)等常见短语中出现较多。

the necklace[网络] 项链;项链图片;项链小说
gold necklace[网络] 金项链;千足金项链;黄金项链
necklace poplar[网络] 项链杨树
necklace poplars[网络] 项链杨树\n(necklace poplar 的复数)
necklace problem[计] 项链问题
necklace tree[网络] 项链树
necklace trees[网络] 项链树\n(necklace tree 的复数)
pearl necklace项链
kramers' necklace theory克拉马项串理论
pearl necklace model珍珠颈挂式模型


1. Big necklace around the neck and a strange tattoo here. (翻译:大项链在脖子上... ... ......)

2. The necklace you gave Laura with the golden heart. (翻译:你送给萝拉的项练 你得把另一半的坠子给我)

3. Necklace of Harmonia, Hercules' bow, Golden Apple of Discord. (翻译:哈耳摩尼亚颈链、海克力斯之弓 纷争之金苹果)

4. When did you first miss the necklace? (翻译:你最早发觉项链不见了是什么时候? )

5. The kill switch on that necklace is attached to a different circuit. (翻译:项链上的暗杀开关 The kill switch on that necklace 连接在另外的电路上 is attached to a different circuit.)

6. Tket necklace wee tke lent tkieh wy fetker ever h505 we. (翻译:这是他留给我最后的东西 Tket necklace wee tke lent tkieh wy fetker ever h505 we.)

7. The necklace-- I have to ask: (翻译:那条项链 - -允许我这么问,你们...)

8. This necklace was crafted to warn when a vampire is near. (翻译:这条项链是精心设计的 向附近的吸血鬼发出警告。)

9. I always did like this necklace. (翻译:我一直很喜欢这条项链 I always did like this necklace.)

10. What about a necklace set with a heartshaped precious stone ? (翻译:买条项链怎么样?坠有心型宝石的。)

11. The necklace consisted of amethysts set in gold. (翻译:这条项链是金镶紫水晶的。)

12. Their ancestor stole the Queen's necklace. (翻译:-苏比斯人 他们就像他们的老祖宗一样 他们偷了 玛丽)

13. It's the erickson beamon necklace. (翻译:那是Erickson Beamon的项链)

14. Lacey borrowed a necklace of mine. (翻译:她借了我一条项链 Lacey borrowed a necklace of mine.)

15. Mr. Roberts, they say she wore a necklace, a locket necklace which she never took wore a necklace, a locket necklace which she never took off. (翻译:罗伯茨先生,他们说,她穿了一条项链, 她从来没有把一个小盒项链 戴项链,一个小盒项链 这是她从来没有起飞。)



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