1. 词义及发音
2. 词源及拼写
'medieval'一词源于拉丁语的'medium aevum',意为“中世纪”,而其英文拼写则是中世纪时期的拼写方式。
3. 用法及变形
4. 相关词汇及用例
1. The castle looks like it's straight out of medievel times.(这座城堡看起来就像是直接来自中世纪。)
2. The medieval church was built in the 13th century.(这座中世纪教堂是在13世纪建造的。)
3. The medieval knight's armor was heavy and cumbersome.(中世纪骑士的盔甲又重又笨。)
4. The medieval period was marked by significant growth in trade and commerce.(中世纪时期的贸易和商业得到了显著的发展。)
5. The medieval architecture of Europe is renowned for its Gothic style.(欧洲中世纪建筑以哥特式风格著称。)
'medieval'是英语词汇,可以翻译为“中世纪的”。 这个词用来描述欧洲历史上从大约公元5世纪到15世纪之间的时期,这期间被认为是“黑暗时代”,因为社会和文化发展相对缓慢,遭受了战争、饥荒、疾病和政治动荡的影响。
1. 我们参观了巴黎圣母院,一座中世纪教堂。
We visited Notre Dame in Paris, a medieval cathedral.
2. 中世纪的骑士们经常穿戴铠甲和战马。
Medieval knights often wore armor and rode horses.
3. 在中世纪,欧洲的经济主要是以农业为基础。
In the medieval period, the economy of Europe was mostly based on agriculture.
4. 文艺复兴是中世纪与现代时期之间的转型期。
The Renaissance was a transitional period between medieval and modern times.
5. 在中世纪,学校通常由教会管理。
In the medieval period, schools were often managed by the church.
6. 中世纪的城镇通常被城墙包围。
Medieval towns were often surrounded by walls.
7. 中世纪的医生依赖于植物治疗疾病。
Medieval doctors relied on plants to treat illnesses.
8. 中世纪欧洲的宗教信仰主要是基督教。
The main religion in medieval Europe was Christianity.
9. 中世纪的文学作品经常包含魔法和神话元素。
Medieval literature often included elements of magic and myth.
1. Many castles were built during the medieval period in Europe. (许多城堡在欧洲的中世纪时期建造。)
2. The study of medicine in medieval times was very different from what it is today. (中世纪时期的医学研究与今天非常不同。)
3. The medieval artwork in the church was breathtakingly beautiful. (教堂里的中世纪艺术品令人叹为观止。)
4. The concept of chivalry was very important to the knights of the medieval era. (骑士们的中世纪时期非常重视骑士精神的概念。)
5. The clothing worn in medieval times was very different from what we wear today. (中世纪时期的服装与我们今天的穿着非常不同。)
例句:This is beyond medieval torture! (这个办法比中世纪酷刑好多了 This is beyond medieval torture!)
例句:Castles and Medieval villages in Perigord. (在佩里·戈尔有城堡和中世纪的村庄。)
例句:Baseball thinking is medieval. (Baseball thinking is medieval. 棒球界还在用中世纪的想法)
例句:The city of Palma is a delightful mixture of medieval, Italian and Moorish architecture. (翻译:帕尔玛是一座混合了中世纪意大利 和摩尔人建筑风格的美丽城市)
medieval一般作为形容词使用,如在get medieval(中世纪的)、medieval ages([网络] 中世纪;中古世纪)、medieval archaeology([古] 中古考古学)等常见短语中出现较多。
get medieval | 中世纪的 |
medieval ages | [网络] 中世纪;中古世纪 |
medieval archaeology | [古] 中古考古学 |
medieval art | [网络] 中世纪艺术;欧洲中世纪美术;中世纪区 |
medieval church | [网络] 中世纪教堂图片;中世纪教会 |
medieval education | 中世纪教育,中古教育 |
medieval england | [网络] 中世纪英国;中古英国;中世界的英格兰 |
Medieval English | [网络] 中世纪英语;中世纪英文 |
medieval europe | [网络] 中世纪欧洲;中世纪的欧洲;西欧中世纪 |
medieval furniture | [家具] 中世纪式家具 |
1. Baseball thinking is medieval. (翻译:Baseball thinking is medieval. 棒球界还在用中世纪的想法)
2. The city of Palma is a delightful mixture of medieval, Italian and Moorish architecture. (翻译:帕尔玛是一座混合了中世纪意大利 和摩尔人建筑风格的美丽城市)
3. He was able to pinpoint on the map the site of the medieval village. (翻译:他能在地图上准确找出那个中世纪村庄的位置。)
4. Why Spanish medieval poetry? (翻译:为什么选了中世纪西班牙诗歌? Why Spanish medieval poetry?)
5. In fact, avarice and hanging are linked in the medieval mind. (翻译:事实上,在中世纪时 贪婪和绞刑常连为一体)
6. But we were Lancelot and Guinevere of the medieval feast last year. (翻译:可是去年的中古世纪嘉年华会 我们是侠客与美女啊!)
7. something tribal, medieval. (翻译:- - something tribal, medieval.)
8. In medieval times, alchemists tried to achieve the seemingly impossible. (翻译:在中世纪 炼金术士们总是梦想着完成一些不可能的事情 )
9. The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor. (翻译:影片中的主角穿着中古时代的甲胄。)
10. This is, after all, a modern government, not a medieval dukedom. (翻译:毕竟,如今是一个现代的社会,而不是中世纪的王国。)
11. The style originated as a medieval Castilian dance, called the Seguidilla. (翻译:这种风格起源于中世纪的卡斯蒂利亚舞蹈,称为塞格第亚舞。)
12. The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanical ingenuity. (翻译:钟表是中世纪机械精巧装置的最大成就。)
13. Duke of Anjou, Baron of Orleans... (翻译:Nobody just loses a guy... dressed like a medieval knight in Chicago.)
14. The residence of the artist abuts on the medieval walls of the city . (翻译:那个艺术家的住宅紧挨着该市的中古时代的城墙。)
15. Jews were ordered into recreated medieval ghettos. (翻译:犹太人被命令住进被重建 的中世纪的犹太人聚居区)