mercuric ioide是什么意思 mercuric ioide的中文翻译、读音、例句

mercuric ioide是什么意思 mercuric ioide的中文翻译、读音、例句

mercuric ioide在中文中有"碘化汞"的意思,其次还有"碘化汞"的意思,在线发音:[mercuricioide],mercuric ioide是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到21个与mercuric ioide相关的句子。

Mercuric ioide的词典翻译


例句:A red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment. (一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。)


mercuric ioide一般作为名词使用,如在mercuric(汞的 )、mercuric acetate([化] 醋酸汞)、mercuric acetylide([化] 乙炔汞)等常见短语中出现较多。

mercuric acetate[化] 醋酸汞
mercuric acetylide[化] 乙炔汞
mercuric amidosuccinate[化] 酰胺琥珀酸汞
mercuric aminochloride氯化氨基汞
mercuric aminophenylarsenate[化] 氨基苯胂酸汞
mercuric arsenate[建] 砷酸汞
mercuric atoxylate[化] 氨基苯胂酸汞
mercuric ballast高汞镇流器


1. A bright red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment. (翻译:一种黄色的硫化物,主要用作色素。)

2. Aim To discuss the effect of mercuric sulfide in the cinnabaris. (翻译:目的探讨硫化汞在朱砂中的作用。)

3. Black mercuric sulfide, a black powder obtained from mercury salts or by the reaction of mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment. (翻译:黑色硫化汞,是来自于汞盐或通过水银与硫磺反应而得到的一种黑色粉末,用作颜料。)

4. There are some methyl mercuric compounds which do not liberate methylmercury for extraction by the action of strong halide acids alone . (翻译:有一些甲基汞化合物,它们在强含卤酸的单独作用下不能释出供萃取的甲基汞。)

5. The doctor is measured with mercuric tonometer , when the hematic pressure ratio of Ms. Wen sees a doctor last even tall. (翻译:医生用水银血压计一量,温女士的血压比上次看病的时候还要高。)

6. The degree of elevation of serum transaminase activity is related to the concentration of mercuric chloride. (翻译:血清转氨酶活性增加的程度与氯化汞浓度相关。)

7. When the thermometer becomes warmer the mercuric expands, the amount of expansion measuring the temperature. (翻译:温度计受热后,水银就膨胀。其膨胀量度量出温度。)

8. Red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment. (翻译:黄土经过煅烧后制成的一种红棕色颜料。)

9. Red mercuric sulfide, a bright scarlet powder derived from heating mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment. (翻译:红色硫化汞,通过将水银与硫磺加热而得到的一种明亮的深红色粉末,用作颜料。)

10. But be aware the ingredient might also be listed as "mercurous chloride, " "calomel, " or "mercuric. (翻译:但是小心那些成分也可能被标为“甘汞”“氯化亚汞”或“含汞的”。)

11. Meters have been installed to defect the exertion of any physical force or the use of irregular chemical compounds such as mercuric chloride, known to alter the resistance level of metals (翻译:仪器都安装完毕 以弥补各种可能的物理力发生作用 或是不稳定化学成分的使用带来的缺陷)

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