mereto是什么意思 mereto的中文翻译、读音、例句

mereto是什么意思 mereto的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence. (一切不能忍受试验的,都不过是肉体的信心。)


例句:Today that word implies mere imitation. (今天,这个词仅仅意味着模仿。)


例句:I got the chef at Chez la Mere Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc. (我有la mere michel饭店大厨给的 制作黄油白沙司的食谱)


mereto一般作为名词使用,如在Mereto([地名] 梅雷托 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Mereto[地名] 梅雷托 ( 意 )


1. I got the chef at Chez la Mere Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc. (翻译:我有la mere michel饭店大厨给的 制作黄油白沙司的食谱)

2. We were just outside Sainte-Mere-Englise. (翻译:我们就在 Sainte -Mere -Englise 城外.)

3. Such spending is not mere vanity. (翻译:这样的支出不仅仅是虚荣心。)

4. Understand, Micah is involved by the mere fact of his birth. (翻译:我了解,打从麦加一出生 他就被牵扯进来了)

5. He seemed so young, a mere boy. (翻译:他看来那么年轻,只是个孩子。)

6. they own the mere music, not you. (翻译:你不能把任何音乐在DVD 没有他们, 他们所拥有的仅仅是音乐,而不是你。)

7. If it is a mere meat substitute, then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle. (翻译:如果这仅属于肉的替代品 If it is a mere meat substitute, 那它肯定会被素食主义者抛弃 then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle.)

8. As I say, it's a mere matter of crossing the street. (翻译:带上你的杯子 就像我说的,就是穿过条马路的事)

9. COMPARED with IBM, Microsoft is a mere stripling. (翻译:与IBM相比,微软纯属一后生。)

10. Affections of manner and speech are mere frippery. (翻译:态度和语言的做作只是矫饰而已。)

11. Worries of this nature are not mere nitpicking. (翻译:然而这样的担心不纯粹是吹毛求疵。)

12. Carlo Corelli tweeted a mere nine minutes ago, (翻译:Carlo Corelli九分钟前发了一条推)

13. No longer mere buildings, these are "new residential typologies". (翻译:豪宅不再仅仅是建筑物了,它们是“新住宅类型”。)

14. This is no mere train set. (翻译:这不是简单的火车套装 This is no mere train set.)

15. That would be slowing up the war for mere sentimental reasons. (翻译:仅仅因为脆弱的感情就作出决定 将延缓战争的进程)

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