metaposaurus是什么意思 metaposaurus的中文翻译、读音、例句

metaposaurus是什么意思 metaposaurus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:There was heterogeneity in seed time in the euphratica meta-population. (胡杨集合种群在种子时间上存在异质性。)


例句:Phatic meta-communicative language plays an important role in the process of communication. (寒暄元交际语在整个交际过程中起着非常重要的作用。)





1. The concept of mediation of L. S. Vygotsky involves meta cognitive mediation and cognitive mediation. (翻译:维果茨基的中介概念主要包括元认知中介和认知中介两种主要类型。)

2. Meta-narrative is the cancer that is killing democracy from the inside. (翻译:元叙事就像癌症一样 正在从内部吞噬民主. )

3. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)

4. Message payload and message meta data. (翻译:消息有效载荷与消息元数据。)

5. Furthermore, traceability is not the only meta-information to be captured for requirements. (翻译:此外,追溯不是对于需求所获取的唯一的元信息。)

6. Is there a meta noindex tag in the HTML "head" section? (翻译:在“head”区域中是否有“noindex”的元标记?)

7. Carburization characteristics and wear behavior of new type meta bainitic steel were studied. (翻译:研究了新型准贝氏体钢渗碳特性及渗层磨损性能。)

8. That, of course, was the meta-narrative distilled from the theories of Karl Marx. (翻译:当然,这就是 从马克思主义理论提制出来的元叙事 )

9. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)

10. " However, the Japanese hate the name, on the control of these immigrants is called " meta Pirates. (翻译:然而日本人痛恨这个名字,就管这些移民叫做“元盗”。)

11. The meta-discourse immanent to language that I call logic, is of course something that deserves to be refreshed at such a reading. (翻译:我所谓逻辑的语言,具有内在性的形上真理论述,当然是应该获得一再地更新阅读。)

12. Specify a maximum size for the meta data. If it is bigger, it will not be be copied into the TAK file. (翻译:制定一个元数据的最大值。如果元数据比该值大,将不会被拷贝进TAK文件。)

13. The microstructure and properties of new type meta bainited steel are studied. (翻译:研究了新型准贝氏体钢的组织特征与性能特点。)

14. Any kind of meta PBE patterns? (翻译:是否有某种P BE的元模式? )

15. Hello, this is Emily Posa. (翻译:你好,我是艾米丽。)

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