mathesis是什么意思 mathesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mathesis是什么意思 mathesis的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 英语:Mathesis helps individuals to analyze, organize, and solve complex problems.


2. 法语:La mathesis est une compétence essentielle pour les études scientifiques.


3. 德语:Mathesis befähigt Schüler, logisch und strukturiert zu denken.


4. 西班牙语:La mathesis es fundamental para el desarrollo de habilidades lógicas y deductivas.


5. 意大利语:La mathesis è una capacità trasversale che si applica a molte discipline.


6. 俄语:Матезис помогает решать сложные математические задачи и абстрагироваться от деталей.


7. 韩语:마테시스는 논리적인 사고와 문제 해결 능력을 강화하는 데 도움이 됩니다.




例句:In 1952, with the uncle Ma fengchao, the ancestral father of Ma fenglou learning boxing Ma sanyuan Xiyi liuhe armed. (xx年,随伯父马凤朝、父亲马凤楼学习祖传马三元心意六合拳械。)


例句:I'M GOING TO SAY "YES, MA'AM"AND "NO, MA'AM." (我要用“是, 夫人”和“不, 夫人”回答她)


例句:- It makes me feel like ending my life (这让我想结束生命 Ça me fait envie de finir ma vie)


例句:Empres-"ee"ma, Latimer: "ee"ma, not "aye"ma. (翻译:Amplicima [ima]不是 [aima])


1. - It makes me feel like ending my life (翻译:这让我想结束生命 Ça me fait envie de finir ma vie)

2. Empres-"ee"ma, Latimer: "ee"ma, not "aye"ma. (翻译:Amplicima [ima]不是 [aima])

3. Have you decided to finish your thesis? (翻译:- 你决定完成论文吗? - 别开玩笑了 那都是过去的事儿了 - Have you decided to finish your thesis?)

4. -Why are you doing this, ma? (翻译:妈 你为什么这么说 你想做什么 Why are you doing this, ma?)

5. In lowpower mode, USB 3.0 provides 150 mA, an increase from 100 mA in USB2.0. (翻译:在低电力模式,USB 3.0 提供了150mA的电流,这比USB 2.0还增加了100mA。)

6. My thesis is that there's no way to tell which is the real thesis. (翻译:我的理论是没有办法去说明哪个是正确的理论)

7. The exordium explains the significance of this thesis in theory and practice, and clarifies the outline of this thesis. (翻译:引言部分首先阐明本文选题的重要理论价值和实践意义,进而说明本文写作的基本思路。)

8. Kevin Meyers from MA, and Christie and Berger from Trusts and Estates. (翻译:从MA来的Kevin Meyers 从信托以及财产部来的Christie和Berger)

9. ♪ I wanna live inside the moment ♪ ♪ Yo, Ma ♪ (翻译:- # I wanna live inside the moment # - # Yo, Ma #)

10. Executive producers JEONG Tae-sung Associate producer MA Sang-jun (翻译:监制 JEONG Tae -sung 副制片 MA Sang -jun)

11. - She is beautiful, eh, my sister? (翻译:我姐姐很漂亮吧 Elle est belle, hein, ma sœur?)

12. ... foranythingbadinlife , including Ma. (翻译:总把责任怪到别人头上的那种人 连自己的妈也不放过)

13. At quarter's end, Asia Pacific accounted for 52% of the global CDMA market, adding 13 million new CDMA2000 subscribers during the period. (翻译:截至今年一季度末,亚太地区占全球CD MA市场的52%,一季度新增CD MA2000用户1300万。)

14. W: The Columbia University Department of Chinese and Japanese encouraged students to produce a work of translation for the MA thesis. (翻译:沃:哥大中日系鼓励学生用翻译作品作为自己的硕士论文。)

15. Ma ray, ma barker, ma jug, you went out last night ma! (翻译:妈光线,妈叫客员,妈水壶, 你外出昨晚妈!)

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