meur是什么意思 meur的中文翻译、读音、例句

meur是什么意思 meur的中文翻译、读音、例句

'meur' 是一个法语词语,可以表示“大的”、“主要的”、“重要的”、“成年的”等含义。具体解释如下:



词组搭配:meur de fatigue(疲倦不堪)、à la meurtrière(从火枪孔中)等

短语:être en meur de(在某种心情中)、faire meur(使变大)等



1. Il était vêtu d'un manteau meur et d'un chapeau noir.(他穿着一件大衣和一顶黑帽子。)

He was dressed in a big coat and a black hat.

2. La tarte aux pommes est un dessert meur dans la cuisine française.(苹果馅饼是法国厨房中的主要甜点。)

Apple pie is a main dessert in French cuisine.

3. Cette réunion est meur pour l'avenir de l'entreprise.(这次会议对公司的未来非常重要。)

This meeting is crucial for the future of the company.

4. Les enfants sont meurs à partir de l'âge de 18 ans.(儿童从xx岁开始成年。)

Children become adults at the age of 18.

5. Après une longue journée de travail, je suis en meur de relaxation.(经过一天的工作,我需要放松一下。)

After a long day of work, I am in need of relaxation.

6. Cette potion magique peut faire meur n'importe quoi en quelques secondes.(这种魔药可以在几秒钟内使任何东西变大。)

This magic potion can make anything bigger in seconds.

7. Les meurtrières étaient utilisées pour tirer sur les ennemis depuis les tours du château.(从城堡的塔上用火枪孔射击敌人。)

The murder holes were used to shoot at enemies from the castle's towers.



1. Elle a acheté une grande maison avec un jardin meur.(她买了一所大房子和一个大花园。)

2. Les fruits du verger sont bien meurs ce printemps.(果园里的水果这个春天很成熟。)

3. Il a les yeux meurs et les cheveux noirs.(他有一双深邃的眼睛和黑色的头发。)




例句:Get serious about something, anything. (JULY 19, 10: 00 A. M.)

例句:all you wanted were mms and lemonade, and we couldn't find any. (所有你需要做的是M&M巧克力 和柠檬水, 我们找不到任何。)


例句:Results M1 , M3 and M4 muscarinic receptors were expressed in rat vestibular nucleus by immunohistochemistry. (结果免疫组织化学研究表明M1、M3、M4在前庭神经核中均有表达; )


1. Results M1 , M3 and M4 muscarinic receptors were expressed in rat vestibular nucleus by immunohistochemistry. (翻译:结果免疫组织化学研究表明M1、M3、M4在前庭神经核中均有表达; )

2. Nebulas include Messier objects M8, M16, M20, as well as the Pipe and Cat's Paw nebulas. (翻译:星云有梅西耶天体M8、M16、M20,还包括烟斗星云和毛掌星云。)

3. So, you have a 10am brief on the Middle East (翻译:you have a 10: 00 a. m.)

4. And so next time you're on an escalator and you drop an M&M by accident, you know, maybe that's an M&M surfboard, not an escalator, so don't pick it up right away. (翻译:那么下一次坐电扶梯时 若无意掉落一粒M&M巧克力 也许看到的会是M&M冲浪板,不是电扶梯 所以不要急着捡起来 )

5. Legal: Fizzy Cola Bottle. Claim: Peanut M&Ms. (翻译:法律:可乐QQ糖。索赔:M&M花生巧克力。)

6. - M's castle to Control. - M's name is McTarry. (翻译:M城堡呼叫管制站 M的姓是麦克利 以麦克利来称呼)

7. - Are you Monsieur Gustave of the... (翻译:- 你是不是M. Gustave 来自...)

8. The EUR has found some stability over the last couple of days but remains vulnerable to further downside pressure. (翻译:欧元汇价于过去数天回稳,但在进一步下跌的压力下会表现疲弱。)

9. M: Jack Remington, room 1408. (翻译:M:Jack,1408号房间。)

10. Breathe strength ίnto theίr hands, Lord, as they work on hίm . (翻译:as they work on h委m .)

11. Or maybe I have the same initials, M.M., as someone else. (翻译:或者M. M. 这个简写重名了 他可以别人 例如...)

12. Hence all the conversions done in EUR or pounds. (翻译:从此,所有的汇率转化都是用欧元或者英镑的。)


14. - [Turing] M___ [birds chirping] (翻译:- [琼] M ... - [图灵] M___ [鸟儿的鸣叫])

15. M4 auto rifle with 180 rounds. (翻译:M4全自动步枪和180发子弹 M4 auto rifle with 180 rounds.)

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