例句:Mr. Fung. Now I'll teach you a new letter, (冯先生,好了,我现在教你第二个字 就是H...)
1. Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort. (翻译:现在你的微表情正传送着不安 Now your micro expressions are telegraphing discomfort.)
2. All of that is at the micro level. (翻译:所有那一切都是微观层面的。)
3. They want to move from micro to medium and beyond. (翻译:她们想从微小晋升到中等再晋升到更高水平。)
4. The reason why you don't kill is you have fallen in love with Miss Siu Fung (翻译:让你不杀人的理由 是你爱上了那位叫小凤的姑娘)
5. Are you aware Fung Yuen is one of the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Hong Kong? (翻译:请问是否知道凤园是香港其中一个具特殊科学价值地点?)
6. And to save the moving around of Uncle Fung he will move and live with you (翻译:还有啊,为了方便风叔 不用太过奔波 风叔般到你那住)
7. Micro and Colloidal Stickie Pacification with Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (翻译:用沉淀碳酸钙减弱细小胶黏物和胶体胶黏物的影响)
8. Dr. Fung, will you let your loved one gamble, take drugs and doing nothing to stop her? (翻译:那没这么严重,她不过跳舞扭腰罢了 你别把她想成荡女那样)
9. You've been number one ever since Fung got his golden leg broken. (翻译:强雄哥,你称霸球坛xx年 自从黄金右脚射失十二码受伤之后)
10. Don't think you're special if not Brother Fung wants you, we won't come here (翻译:你别以为自己很了不起 不是风哥看中你,我们都不想进来)
11. Besides, the grave... is located at a good fung-shui spot (翻译:还有,你们这个武举人公墓 吃准龙脉,对准对面的岸头)
12. These plasmids occur naturally in nature; they were discovered in micro-organisms and they also confer some biological properties onto micro-organisms. (翻译:这些质粒在自然界中自然存在;它们是在微生物中发现的,它们也赋予了微生物一些生物学特性。)
13. Aconitum a pair of purple, or small birds, there is a just a random Fung, feelings, and comb-like. To 200 a pair. (翻译:一对紫乌头,还是小鸽子,有一只是个乱凤,感觉和鸡冠似的。要200一对。)
14. If you are in the corporate sector, you love micro-credit. (翻译:如果你为企业部门工作,你会偏爱小额贷款 )
15. Crouzet, Micro Switch Expert From Europe! (翻译:高诺斯,来自欧洲的微动开关专家! )