middle cone在中文中有"中间锥面"的意思,还有中间锥面的意思,在线发音:[middlecone],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到40个与middle cone相关的句子。
Middle cone的释义
例句:- Just the one in the middle. (中间的那个 Just the one in the middle.)
middle cone一般作为名词使用,如在cone(圆锥 )、middle(中间的)、in the middle(在中部; 正忙于; 拦腰; 当心)等常见短语中出现较多。
cone | 圆锥 |
middle | 中间的 |
in the middle | 在中部; 正忙于; 拦腰; 当心 |
the middle | [网络] 左右不逢源;中产家庭;中间之道 |
differential cone | 射锥 |
diffraction cone | 衍射锥 |
diffuser cone | 散锥 |
Dillon Cone | [地名] 狄龙火山锥 ( 新西 ) |
dirt cone | 泥雪碎屑锥 |
1. She took off, middle of her shift. (翻译:middle of her shift.)
2. But when you swing at things-- Your pitch is middle-in. (翻译:But when you swing at things -- Your pitch is middle -in.)
3. In dry farmland in the middle of the state? (翻译:州里荒芜的干旱农田? In dry farmland in the middle of the state?)
4. But in the middle of our mission (翻译:们的任务期间 But in the middle of our mission)
5. Her daughter, me, the village idiot with the ice cream cone in the middle of her forehead, is still standing there, slack-jawed. (翻译:她闺女,我——一乡下傻大姐, 举个冰激凌甜筒在脑门前,瞠目结舌地呆在原地。)
6. I'm very interested in your story "Middle Children. " (翻译:我觉得你的作品《Middle Children》 非常有趣)
7. Based on the composition and texture differences of the cones, the cones have been subdivided into scoria cone, spatter cone and mixed cone. (翻译:在火山锥中,依据锥体组成与结构的差异又可进一步分为岩渣锥、溅落锥和混合锥等碎屑锥。)
8. Right in the middle. It was like... (翻译:正好在中间 他是这样 Right in the middle.)
9. Effect of dilatancy angle on the different responses in the soil was just within the range of half cone radius from cone tip. (翻译:剪胀角只对半倍锥径范围内土体的位移和应力产生影响;)
10. In the middle of a conference. (翻译:还在开会半中间的时候 In the middle of a conference.)
11. Hit the middle of the barricade! (翻译:撞路障中心 Hit the middle of the barricade!)
12. -Your middle name is Fiona. (翻译:- Your middle name is Fiona.)
13. The JOYAL Symons Cone Crusher is a high-performance models optimized and improved on the basis of Symons Cone Crusher. (翻译:西蒙斯圆锥破碎机的乔亚尔是一种高性能车型优化,对西蒙斯圆锥破碎机基础上改进的。)
14. In the middle of the night? (翻译:In the middle of the night? 就这样搞? 在半夜?)
15. Woke lester up in the middle of the night (翻译:半夜叫醒了莱斯特 Woke Lester up in the middle of the night)