matroosfontein是什么意思 matroosfontein的中文翻译、读音、例句

matroosfontein是什么意思 matroosfontein的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:[color=#000000]To settle disputes, Mr Kuchi has two main options. ([color=#000000][font=Tahoma][font=宋体]对于平息争端,库奇有两个主要选择。)


例句:We Roos in a garden walk. All my life together. (我和罗斯从幼儿园开始就在一起玩 一起长大)


例句:You cannot run out of the mat. (You cannot run out of the mat.)


1. You cannot run out of the mat. (翻译:You cannot run out of the mat.)

2. When the dog would try to leave the mat, she would say, "Rover, on the mat, on the mat, on the mat." (翻译:每当狗试图离开垫子, 她就说:“Rover,呆在垫子上,呆在垫子上,呆在垫子上。” )

3. I was always a little in awe of Great-aunt Stephina Roos. (翻译:我对斯蒂菲娜老姑老是怀着敬畏之情。)

4. [color=#000000]A third factor promoting Pushtunwali is one of its most appealing features, egalitarianism. (翻译:[color=#000000][font=Tahoma][font=宋体]促进“普什图瓦里”发扬的第三个因素是其最吸引人的特色之一:平等主义。)

5. ♪ I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat (翻译:# I drop your snail mail Right at your mat, mat)

6. Font Source file A font format : Also referred to as FSC format . (翻译:字体资源文件一种字体的格式:并且也称为FSC格式。)

7. This example USES the BASEFONT element to set the base font size, and the font element to temporarily override it. (翻译:下面的例子使用BASEFONT元素来设置基础字体大小,而FONT元素用来临时覆盖此设置。)

8. I've called this Font Los Angeles because.. (翻译:我叫他为Font Los Angeles因为...)

9. I've used the font Trajan because it's a really dramatic looking font. (翻译:我用的字体图拉真,因为它是一个非常显着寻找字型。)

10. Greenberg and Roos, and Jimmy Foxx, Red Grange, Davis and Blanchard... (翻译:格林伯格和鲁斯,还有吉米福克斯,雷德葛朗奇,戴维斯和布兰查德)

11. But for now, keep the italic font. (翻译:但是现在,保持斜体不变。)

12. I was always a little in awe of at-aunt Stephina Roos. (翻译:我对斯蒂菲娜老姑总是怀着敬畏之情。)

13. font helvetica sets the annotation's font to Helvetica. (翻译:fonthelvetica将注释的字体设置为Helvetica。)

14. You're not just my editor. (翻译:我知识和耐心的源泉 font of knowledge and patience.)

15. Register the embedded font with FOP. (翻译:将嵌入字体 注册 到 FOP 中。)

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