marriage leave是什么意思 marriage leave的中文翻译、读音、例句

marriage leave是什么意思 marriage leave的中文翻译、读音、例句

marriage leave的意思是"婚假",作为名词时有"婚假"的意思,发音音标为[ˈmæridʒ li:v],marriage leave常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到51个与marriage leave相关的例句。

Marriage leave的中文翻译


例句:Leave the beast and be gone. (Leave the beast and be gone.)


marriage leave一般作为名词使用,如在leave(许可)、leave ... be([网络] 别管)、leave ... for(un. 到…地方去;去某地:\n[网络] 动身去;动身去某地;前往)等常见短语中出现较多。

leave ... be[网络] 别管
leave ... forun. 到…地方去;去某地:\n[网络] 动身去;动身去某地;前往
leave ... on[网络] 留住;让…留在原处;好聚好散
leave ... with[网络] 寄放;寄存;寄顿
leave at将(某人或某物)留在某处;在(某处)离开某人
leave be[网络] 别管
leave for到...去
leave in让…留下


1. "with the breakdown of her first marriage, (翻译:经历了一次失败的婚姻 with the breakdown of her first marriage)

2. Have I ruined your marriage? (翻译:我破坏了你的婚姻? Have I ruined your marriage?)

3. But what has this marriage meant for you? (翻译:But what has this marriage meant for you?)

4. It happened to my marriage. (翻译:It happened to my marriage.)

5. - People leave stuff here? (翻译:- People leave stuff here?)

6. If you're playing in the women's league. (翻译:If dating is the game,then marriage is winning the game.)

7. Upon which a marriage is built. (翻译:所需要的基石 upon which a marriage is built.)

8. Marriage always makes a woman prettier. (翻译:决定了结婚,都变得漂亮 Marriage always makes a woman prettier,)

9. May their marriage be long and fruitful. (翻译:愿他们婚姻长久、早生贵子 May their marriage be long and fruitful.)

10. And, Hector, the marriage, whatever the marriage is, the marriage itself is never in question. (翻译:赫克特,不管婚姻怎样 永远别质疑婚姻本身)

11. No, the marriage is great. (翻译:不,婚姻状况很好 No, the marriage is great.)

12. My mom jokes, "Leave it to your dad (翻译:Leave it to your dad)

13. Whether or not my first marriage was valid. (翻译:Whether or not my first marriage was valid.)

14. What are you gonna do? You gonna take a leave of absence? (翻译:take a leave of absence?)

15. Key to a healthy marriage. (翻译:保持正常婚姻的关键 Key to a healthy marriage.)

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