military nuclear power是什么意思 military nuclear power的中文翻译、读音、例句

military nuclear power是什么意思 military nuclear power的中文翻译、读音、例句

military nuclear power在中文中有"军事核大国"的意思,作为名词时有"军事核大国"的意思,发音音标为[militarynuclearpower],military nuclear power来源于英语,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到60个与military nuclear power相关的句子。

Military nuclear power的释义


例句:And as usual, they had to buy nuclear power from France. (像往常一样,他们只好向法国购买核能发的电。)


military nuclear power一般作为名词使用,如在military power([法] 军权, 兵权)、nuclear power([电] 核动力)、industrial nuclear power(工业用核动力)等常见短语中出现较多。

military power[法] 军权, 兵权
nuclear power[电] 核动力
industrial nuclear power工业用核动力
major nuclear power【军事】核大国
nuclear auxiliary power助核动力
nuclear power complex动力联合企业
nuclear power economics核动力经济学
nuclear power engineering核电工程
nuclear power excursion核动力偏离


1. And for a few years, we were the only nuclear power on Earth. (翻译:之后的一些年间 我们一直是地球上唯一的有核国家 )

2. China is building nuclear power stations. Everybody is. (翻译:中国也在扩建核电站。每个国家都是这样。)

3. But that's actually perfect for trying to generate power in a nuclear reactor. (翻译:但这对于在核能反应堆里发电来说 是非常完美的。)

4. And as usual, they had to buy nuclear power from France. (翻译:像往常一样,他们只好向法国购买核能发的电。)

5. He seized power in a military coup in 1997. (翻译:他在 1997 年的军事政变中夺取了政权。)

6. We must organize power for the people, power for the workers! (翻译:We must organize power for the people,power for the workers!)

7. Salehi also confirmed that Iran's first nuclear power plant Bushehr nuclear power plant has resumed nuclear fuel for the reactor loading. (翻译:萨利希还确认,伊朗首座核电站布什尔核电站已经重新开始为核反应堆装载核燃料。)

8. - A military delegation to NATO. (翻译:A military delegation to NATO.)

9. Regulations strangled the production of coal, gas, oil and nuclear power. (翻译:规则将煤,天然气、石油和核点的生产扼杀 规则将煤,天然气、石油和核点的生产扼杀)

10. There is power power wonder-working power (翻译:力量啊 多么神奇的力量 There js power, power Wonderful power)

11. Worst nuclear power plant accident in history. (翻译:是史上最严重的核电站事故 之后引发的大火 往空气中)

12. Hello. Rather early this morning, aren't you? (翻译:faces the German military power whose aim to conquer...)

13. And for a few years, we were the only nuclear power on Earth. (翻译:之后的一些年间 我们一直是地球上唯一的有核国家)

14. Having taken a firm step in localizing nuclear power equipment GNPS gives a boost to the overall improvement of capability of China's nuclear power industry. (翻译:在实现核电国产化的道路上迈出了坚实的一步,带动了我国核电产业整体能力的提升; )

15. The reality is that there's, what, 21 nations that have nuclear power? (翻译:事实情况是: 21个拥有核电力的国家, )

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