matrix supported enzyme是什么意思 matrix supported enzyme的中文翻译、读音、例句

matrix supported enzyme是什么意思 matrix supported enzyme的中文翻译、读音、例句

matrix supported enzyme通常被翻译为"基质支架酶"的意思,在英美地区还有"基质支架酶"的意思,单词读音音标为[matrixsupportedenzyme],matrix supported enzyme在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到75个与matrix supported enzyme相关的句子。

Matrix supported enzyme的释义


例句:By researching nilpotent matrix rank, a solution is obtained for general matrix power rank. (通过对幂零矩阵的秩的研究,给出了一般方阵幂的秩的求法。)


matrix supported enzyme一般作为名词使用,如在supported(n. 被支持的)、supported by([网络] 支持单位;资助;协办单位)、enzyme(酶 )等常见短语中出现较多。

supportedn. 被支持的
supported by[网络] 支持单位;资助;协办单位
fixed supportedn. 固定支架,固定支点
freely supported自由支承的
heavily supportedun. 坚牢固定的
no longer supported[网络] 不再支持了;不再支援了
parameters not supported[网络] 参数不支持;参数不被支持;参数不支援
simply supported简支


1. Effect of crude enzyme preparation on digestive enzyme activities of pancreatic juice and duodenal chyme in geese (翻译:粗酶制剂对鹅胰液和十二指肠食糜酶活性的影响)

2. Tridiagonal partial inverse m matrix is a special matrix. It is tridiagonal in structure and is a partial inverse m matrix. (翻译:三对角线部分逆m矩阵是结构上为三对角线形式的同时又为部分逆m矩阵的一类特殊矩阵。)

3. Jim was the creative brain behind gaia matrix. (翻译:Jim负责Gaia Matrix的创意研发)

4. The Effects of Enzyme Preparations on Relative Viscosity, pH Value and Digestive Enzyme Activity of Intestinal Chyme in Goslings (翻译:酶制剂对雏鹅小肠食糜相对黏度、pH值及消化酶活性的影响)

5. Like in the movie, the population supported the rebels. (翻译:就像在电影里,人们支持反叛者。Like in the movie, the population supported the rebels.)

6. A composite step-like sawblade matrix comprises a sawblade matrix which is welded with a step-like matrix concentric with the sawblade. (翻译:一种复合型台阶状锯片基体,包括锯片基体,锯片基体上焊接有与锯片基体同心的台阶基体。)

7. This research provided a new kind of enzyme- PAMAM nanocomposites for bioreactor, enzyme engineering and biotechnology. (翻译:该研究为生物反应器、酶工程和生物传感提供了一类新型酶-PAMAM复合材料。)

8. Cataloging is not supported. (翻译:不支持编目。)

9. Fermentation of Douchi Fibrinolytic Enzyme Gene Engineering Strain and the Purification of Recombinant Enzyme (翻译:豆豉溶栓酶工程菌的发酵条件及重组溶栓酶的分离纯化)

10. The matrix extension problem is, under some constrained conditions, constructing a matrix A with a given matrix A_0 as its submatrix. (翻译:矩阵扩充问题是在某种约束条件下构造矩阵A,使得矩阵A的一个子矩阵为A_0。)

11. Jim was the creative genius behind gaia matrix. (翻译:Jim是Gaia Matrix的创意天才)

12. Then Road Warrior, Then the Matrix. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}它后面就出了《公路勇士》,然后又出了《黑客帝国》)

13. Of NZT, or the enzyme, or both. (翻译:不是NZT就是免疫酶 或者两个都没了 Of NZT, or the enzyme, or both.)

14. One group was intent on recovering control over the situation. (翻译:or the forces that supported the government. 一组意在恢复对局势的控制。One group was intent on recovering controI over the situation.)

15. And by the matrix, I mean literally the matrix, like the movie "The Matrix." (翻译:所谓的道德母体﹐就像“黑客任务”里面的大计算机一样)

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