minimax estimation是什么意思 minimax estimation的中文翻译、读音、例句

minimax estimation是什么意思 minimax estimation的中文翻译、读音、例句

minimax estimation通常被翻译为"极小极大估计"的意思,其中文解释还有"极小极大估计"的意思,在线发音:[minimaxestimation],minimax estimation常被用作名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到80个与minimax estimation相关的例句。

Minimax estimation的翻译


例句:Estimation of Process Capability Indices and Their Confidence Intervals Based on Subsamples (根据子样本的过程能力指数及其置信区间的估计)


minimax estimation一般作为名词使用,如在minimax robust estimation(大中取小稳健估计)、minimax(n. 极大极小;使对方得点减到最低以使自己得最高分的战略)、estimation(估计 )等常见短语中出现较多。

minimax robust estimation大中取小稳健估计
minimaxn. 极大极小;使对方得点减到最低以使自己得最高分的战略
minimax approach极小极大方法
minimax control[自] 极小化极大控制
minimax criterion极小化最大准则
minimax design大中取小设计
minimax equality[数] 极小化极大等式
minimax estimate极小化极大估计


1. Regularization error estimation of spherical harmonic coefficients from SGG observation (翻译:SGG重力场球谐系数正则解的误差估计方法)

2. Base on current estimation, estimated force of 8600 Newtons. (翻译:照目前情况判断,预计冲击力约8600牛顿)

3. See COCOMO II for techniques for applying coefficients in estimation. (翻译:参看COCOMOII,了解在估算中应用系数的技术。)

4. Lyell's strategy for estimation of geologic dates was not very accurate. (翻译:莱尔估算地质年代的方法不是很准确。)

5. The estimation was that the fight would last for six months. (翻译:估计战斗将持续六个月。至少。The estimation was that the fight would last for six months.)

6. Minimax principle deals with the relation between the minimax value and maximin value of a function. (翻译:极小极大原理论述的是函数的极小极大值与极大极小值之间的关系。)

7. Simulation results prove the convergency of the time delay estimation algorithm used in on-line estimation for thermodynamic process. (翻译:结果表明,这种算法收敛性好,能够用来对热工对象进行在线参数估计。)

8. He has gone down considerably in my estimation. (翻译:我对他的评价已经大大降低了。)

9. A High Resolution Technique for Loran-C Skywave Delay Estimation (翻译:一种高分辨率的罗兰C接收机天波延迟估计技术)

10. Pulp - Estimation of dirt and shives - Part 1: Inspection of laboratory sheets (翻译:纸浆。污物和碎片的测定。第1部分:实验室纸板的检验)

11. All of these make the reality of semiblind channel estimation to be possible. (翻译:这些措施使得半盲信道估计方法的实用化成为可能。)

12. There was an estimation, a conservative estimation, a couple of years ago that the U. S. economy benefited by 57 billion dollars per year. (翻译:几年前,有个保守的估计,美国经济每年因昆虫而获益五百七十亿美元。)

13. I work with kind of estimation, shuffle tracking -- ah, good. (翻译:我是运用 某种, 猜算吧? 洗牌追踪-- 啊,很好. )

14. The demand for a wide estimation range and an accurate estimation are always incompatible in many frequency estimation algorithms. (翻译:在许多频偏估值算法中,估值范围和估值精度是难以同时兼顾的一对矛盾。)

15. The former is used to achieve the fine estimation of the carrier frequency while the later is used to achieve the fine estimation of the code delay of the PRN code. (翻译:载波跟踪环用于对接收信号的载波频率进行精确跟踪,而码跟踪环是用于实现伪随机码延时的精确对准。)

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