minor elements是什么意思 minor elements的中文翻译、读音、例句

minor elements是什么意思 minor elements的中文翻译、读音、例句

minor elements的意思是"少量元素",在英美地区还有"少量元素"的意思,发音是[minorelements],minor elements是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到11个与minor elements相关的例句。

Minor elements的翻译




minor elements一般作为名词使用,如在elements(n. 原理, 基础)、the elements(大自然的力量;基本原理,基础入门)、minor in(〈美口〉兼修(选作次要学科))等常见短语中出现较多。

elementsn. 原理, 基础
the elements大自然的力量;基本原理,基础入门
minor in〈美口〉兼修(选作次要学科)
the minor未成年人
fregata minor minor军舰鸟;黑腹军舰鸟;大军舰鸟
disjoint elements不相交元素
disloyal elements[法] 不忠诚分子
dispersed elements分散元素
distribution of elements1.元素分布;2.元素分配


1. And yet you struggle to control a minor province like Judea. (翻译:但是你拼了命才能控制住犹太这样的小省 And yet you struggle to control a minor province like Judea.)

2. With minor improvisations. (翻译:只能有极小的即兴发挥 with minor improvisations.)

3. So there's a few elements, mostly social policies and some elements of the software. (翻译:有一些要素, 主要是社会政策和软件的一些元素。)

4. Is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom, (翻译:是致命的金属元素已经沉淀到底部 is the deadly metallic elements sank to the bottom,)

5. Doral blew himself up, causing minor damage to a minor hallway. (翻译:多尔在主要通道上把自己炸飞了 引发了不小的灾难)

6. You need some bone marrow. (翻译:将捐赠者和接受者的两种遗传体混合 that blends elements of both the recipient and the donor.)

7. I'm sure Captain Lorenzo explained the minor fracas with the minor thieves. (翻译:我确信罗伦佐警长已经说明了 对于小贼们的一点搔乱)

8. These elements inside our own government, do they include Dar Adal? (翻译:我们内部的这些分子 These elements inside our own government, 包括达尔·阿德尔吗 do they include Dar Adal?)

9. His world has key elements to sustain human life. (翻译:他那个世界拥有维持人类生命的关键元素 His world has key elements to sustain human life.)

10. The elements dwarfing the elephants. (翻译:恶劣天气下 大象显得那么渺小 The elements dwarfing the elephants.)

11. The best evidence for that view would be minor key songs that are stubbornly, ineffably sad despite other song elements-lyrics, arrangements, tempo, etc. -that are emotionally neutral or positive. (翻译:撇开那些情绪上中性或是积极的音乐元素,像歌词、要素组合、节拍等,证明小调固含悲情元素的最好证明是小调音乐,因为他们本身就很悲情。)

12. Will Mongols be a Minor civ? (翻译:蒙古会是次要文明吗? )

13. Elements... elements, e e e... Aha! (翻译:谐律,谐律,xie,xie,xie,啊哈)

14. You need professional help, sara. (翻译:他承认了 跟未成年人发生性行为 He admitted it, sex with a minor!)

15. Name the first 10 elements of the periodic table. (翻译:说出元素周期表的前十个元素 Name the first 10 elements of the periodic table.)

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