miremont是什么意思 miremont的中文翻译、读音、例句

miremont是什么意思 miremont的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Jarden Corp. is a minority investor in Chartreuse & Mont Blanc. (Jarden公司是Chartreuse&MontBlanc的小股东之一。)


例句:By nightfall Second Battalion had secured Sainte-Marie-du-Mont and elements of the 4th Division were beginning to move men and material inland. (天黑的时候 2营攻下圣玛丽德蒙 4师的作战单元 开始向内陆运送人员和物资)


例句:Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . Brother shisan said he is now doing business work. Buy a Mont Blanc pen for him, super match. (四、五、六、七、八…十三哥说他在做业务的工作,买支万宝龙笔送给他,超搭的。)


例句:Many flocks spend the winter on the coastal marshes around Mont St Michel in Northern France. (翻译:许多雁群选择在滨海的一些沼泽地过冬 这些沼泽地位于法国北部的圣米歇尔山区)


miremont一般作为名词使用,如在Miremont([地名] 米尔蒙 ( 法 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Miremont[地名] 米尔蒙 ( 法 )


1. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . Brother shisan said he is now doing business work. Buy a Mont Blanc pen for him, super match. (翻译:四、五、六、七、八…十三哥说他在做业务的工作,买支万宝龙笔送给他,超搭的。)

2. Many flocks spend the winter on the coastal marshes around Mont St Michel in Northern France. (翻译:许多雁群选择在滨海的一些沼泽地过冬 这些沼泽地位于法国北部的圣米歇尔山区)

3. Only the gulls heard his dying curses ringing over the cape as he sank down and down into the mire and was engulfed. (翻译:只海鸥死亡诅咒他听到铃声在开普敦他倒和成的泥潭,并吞没。)

4. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, mire terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason. (翻译:可是在他内心唤起的却是另一种和谐,因为没有言词反而更为有力,因而成了胜利的谐音。)

5. The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night. (翻译:黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。)

6. To put it in olde economy terms, can you imagine postponing maintenance on an aircraft for six mont hs? (翻译:用旧的经济观点来看,你会考虑把飞机的维修推迟六个月吗?)

7. At 5,500 metres, it's almost 1,000 metres higher than Mont Blanc - the highest mountain in western Europe. (翻译:5500米的海拔高度 比西欧最高的勃朗峰 足足高了近千米)

8. If we held a trial and the court records became public, not only would it blow back on Livvie as the daughter of the man we're accusing, but it could disrupt the entire government and mire it in scandal for generations to come. (翻译:如果进行审判 庭审记录被公开 不仅会反过来伤害到Livvie 我们起诉对象的女儿)

9. She couldn't withstand the lure of money and was dragged into the mire. (翻译:她经不起金钱的引诱, 被拉下水了。)

10. On the basis of the mire, river and riverine wetland, lake, restoration strategies are discussed. (翻译:从沼泽、河流及河缘湿地、湖泊出发,简述了湿地恢复的基本策略。)

11. The Montreal skyline as seen from Mont Royal. (翻译:从皇家山上看到的蒙特利尔。)

12. A great deal of achievements have been obtained through the investigations in main distributed areas of mire during recent years. (翻译:xx年来先后对主要沼泽分布区进行综合考察,获得了丰富的研究成果,填补了沼泽学科的空白。)

13. Rescue me from the mire, Whisper words of desire. Rescue me - darling rescue me. With your arms open wide, Want you here by me side. (翻译:把我从困境众救出来,把你心中的渴望悄悄告诉我。救救我-亲爱的,救救我。张开你的双手,我需要你在我的身边。)

14. The 2:1 5 to Mont Laurier will be loading at gate number 1 0. (翻译:2: 15的去蒙特罗里的在10号通道上车)

15. Alpine mountains : and the pyrenees and the Jura mountains, etc. FaYi 4810 meters at the border, mont mountain in Europe. (翻译:山脉:有阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉、汝拉山脉等。法意边境的勃朗峰海拔4810米,为欧洲最高峰。)

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