miscounselled是什么意思 miscounselled的中文翻译、读音、例句

miscounselled是什么意思 miscounselled的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He counselled them to give up the plan. (他建议他们放弃此项计划。)


例句:During the 12-month follow-up, no stent thromboses, MIs, or deaths were observed. (在12个月的随访期里,未出现支架内血栓形成、心肌梗死或者是死亡。)


例句:Art would pick up the duty that it used to have and that we've neglected because of certain mis-founded ideas. (艺术会让我们重新肩负起曾经被摒弃的责任 那些因为误导而被忽视的责任 )


例句:Buenas noches, mis amigos. (翻译:晚安,朋友们。)


1. Art would pick up the duty that it used to have and that we've neglected because of certain mis-founded ideas. (翻译:艺术会让我们重新肩负起曾经被摒弃的责任 那些因为误导而被忽视的责任 )

2. Buenas noches, mis amigos. (翻译:晚安,朋友们。)

3. I had counselled Catherine to get hers upstairs; but, as soon as he perceived her vacant seat, he sent me to call her. (翻译:我已经劝凯瑟琳在楼上吃饭,可是,他一看见她的空座位,就叫我去找她。)

4. I've heard that some robbers will rob our company through a mis connected line today (翻译:今天我修理电话,搭错了线 听到有贼要打劫公司)

5. Godzilla, the A-bomb, Liz Taylor, Hitler, dead Indians, noisy washing machines, oil-slicks, but above all... (翻译:希特勒 战争 印第安人大屠杀 Hitler, la guerre, le massacre des Indiens, 洗衣机的噪音 le bruit des machines à lavée, 遇难的油轮 各种苦难 les pétroliers qui font naufrage, la misère!)

6. Um, but Les Mis is already a musical about the French revolution. (翻译

7. And if you appreciate that number, you can easily see there is huge potential for mis-wiring of the brain. (翻译:如果你惊叹于这个数字 你不难看到 大脑中接错线的可能性极大)

8. And so the technologies for seeing connectomes will allow us to finally read mis-wiring of the brain, to see mental disorders in connectomes. (翻译:因此,显示连接体的科技 最终能够让我们 解读大脑中的连接错误 看到连接体中的精神错乱)

9. I've counselled over 75 bank-robbery survivors. (翻译:我给超过75个银行抢劫案的幸存者做过顾问)

10. I mis-entered the sequence. (翻译:我输错了序列 I mis -entered the sequence.)

11. Not only that he failed to carry out all necessary tests prior to surgery, he mis-diagnosed pleurositis as pneumonia. (翻译:不仅是手术前不注意的义务怠慢 而且不顾及已引发癌性助膜炎 而误诊为肺炎)

12. Mycroft promised to take them to a matinee of Les Mis. (翻译:麦考夫答应带他们去看日场《悲惨世界》的 {\3cH202020}Mycroft promised to take them to a matinee of Les Mis.)

13. You and Gao Mis go dome, odny? (翻译:你和高敏先走吧 You and Gao Mis go dome, odny?)

14. And if you appreciate that number, you can easily see there is huge potential for mis-wiring of the brain. (翻译:如果你惊叹于这个数字 你不难看到 大脑中接错线的可能性极大 )

15. Hannah was the worst sister ever, and Ryan was about as bad as they come, okay, so Chet and the others, I didn't mean to ki... that was a mis... whatever. (翻译:汉娜是最坏的姐姐曾经, 和Ryan约 因为他们来那么糟糕,还好, 所以切特和其他人, 我不是故意的奇...)

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