matzah meals是什么意思 matzah meals的中文翻译、读音、例句

matzah meals是什么意思 matzah meals的中文翻译、读音、例句

matzah meals在英语中代表"的复数、网络"的意思,作为名词时有"马佐餐"的意思,在线读音是[matzahmeals],matzah meals来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到86个与matzah meals相关的句子。

Matzah meals的词典翻译


例句:He has to cook his own meals. (他必须自己做饭。)

例句:We eventually pick two meals, marvelling at the cheapness. (最后我们点了两个菜,对价钱的便宜甚感惊讶。)


例句:Simple family meals are something the princess is determined to maintain. (简单的家庭伙食是 这位王妃坚决主张的事.)


matzah meals一般作为名词使用,如在matzah(n. 无酵饼)、meals(n. 膳食;谷类(meal的复数))、egg matzah([网络] 蛋matzah)等常见短语中出现较多。

matzahn. 无酵饼
mealsn. 膳食;谷类(meal的复数)
egg matzah[网络] 蛋matzah
matzah ball[网络] 面丸子
matzah balls[网络] 面丸子\n(matzah ball 的复数)
matzah meal[网络] 马佐餐
fish meals(用作肥料或饲料的)鱼粉
happy meals[网络] 开心乐园餐;快乐餐;欢乐套餐
have meals[网络] 吃饭;吃饭了;用餐


1. Simple family meals are something the princess is determined to maintain. (翻译:简单的家庭伙食是 这位王妃坚决主张的事.)

2. "Our vigilance is very strict: no talking, no common meals." (翻译:我们的戒律很严格: 禁止谈话, 禁止寻常膳食.)

3. And we have 60 meals twice a day of solar cooking. (翻译:我们每月有60顿饭,每天2顿 都是靠太阳能做的。)

4. Housing, meals, entertainment. (翻译:ﺮﻜﻔﺗ ﺍﺫﺎﻤﺑ ﺔﻴﻠﺴﺘﻟﺍﻭ ﺕﺎﺒﺟﻮﻟﺍ ﻪﻴﻓ ﺎﻤﺑ)

5. Take one to four softgels a day, preferably with meals. (翻译:每天一到四粒,最好随餐服用。)

6. Use the appliance only to warm meals and ovenware. (翻译:这个电器只能用来温热放置在烤箱器皿上的饭菜。)

7. My wife and I both work, and, as hard as I tried not to, I did wind up marrying my mother. (翻译:-cooked meals. 但还是娶了像我妈一样的 {\3cH000000}I did wind up marrying my mother.)

8. And we have 60 meals twice a day of solar cooking. (翻译:我们每月有60顿饭,每天2顿 都是靠太阳能做的。)

9. And all you get are three square meals a day of shame! (翻译:你们唯一有的只是xx日三餐, 被羞耻填得饱饱的)

10. No liquids are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. (翻译:上菜时不提供饮料,因为会妨碍消化。)

11. Already the allure of meals in restaurants had begun to pall. (翻译:餐馆里饭菜的吸引力已经变得平淡了。)

12. People spent more time engaging in their meals, engaging with each other over their meals. (翻译:人们消费更多的时间在晚餐上, 花更多的时间在进餐者上。)

13. Take 1 softgel per day with meals. (翻译:以1每日三餐软胶囊。)

14. Ma always kept it on hand, in case I got sick. (翻译:还有一大罐素球汤 and one giant container of Matzah ball soup. 老妈一直备在手头 Ma always kept it on hand, 就怕我生病 in case I got sick.)

15. Avoid microwaving your meals. Cook it yourself. (翻译:避免用微波加热你的食物亲自下厨吧。)


matzah meals作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、matzah、meal/1、s等。

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