mobile labor是什么意思 mobile labor的中文翻译、读音、例句

mobile labor是什么意思 mobile labor的中文翻译、读音、例句

mobile labor通常被翻译为"流动劳动力"的意思,在日常中也代表"流动劳动力"的意思,读音为[mobilelabor],mobile labor是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到28个与mobile labor相关的句子。

Mobile labor的释义


例句:General Mobile (G-Mobi) focuses on mobile platform operation and mobile Internet service. (通用移动是一家专注域手机平台运营及移动互联网服务的公司。)


mobile labor一般作为名词使用,如在labor(①分娩②劳动 )、in labor(在分娩中,在阵痛中)、labor with(苦口婆心地劝说)等常见短语中出现较多。

in labor在分娩中,在阵痛中
labor with苦口婆心地劝说
of labor劳力波动
differentiation of labor分工
difficult labor[医] 难产
dilution of labor劳动稀释,劳动力降质
direct labor[化] 普通工; 非熟练工人\n[经] 生产工人, 直接人工
dry labor[医] 干产


1. He was labor, this beautiful labor, on his second birth. (翻译:在他的第二次新生中 他是一位工人 一位出色的工人)

2. congratulate uncle walter for me and kiss everybody in mobile. (翻译:为我祝贺Walter叔叔,在Mobile亲每个人.)

3. Throw his famous Labor Day party at the beach. (翻译:Throw his famous Labor Day party at the beach.)

4. Got a mobile money launderer. (翻译:移动洗钱的人 Got a mobile money launderer.)

5. I want to know what sound frequency triggers the Labor runaways. (翻译:让LABOR失控的声音频率 是几赫兹啊? 请告诉我吧)

6. No spike in raw materials or labor costs. (翻译:原材料和劳务支出也没有大涨 No spike in raw materials or labor costs.)

7. Mobile command is set up on the Capitol. (翻译:移动指挥中心部署在国会大厦 Mobile command is set up on the Capitol.)

8. Since you work with Labors, I expect you've heard of him. (翻译:只要对LABOR略知一二的人 应该都知道他的名字才对)

9. Oh, now it's kicking... then a dropkick! (翻译:啊,现在他踢了LABOR一脚 接下来又来个双脚飞踢)

10. Chief, there's a possibility that deactivated Labors... may start up by themselves due to the effects of the low frequency noise. (翻译:部长,停止中的LABOR也有可能 因低周波影响而自行启动)

11. The dojox. mobile and dojox. mobile. TabBar are components your page will use. (翻译:mobile和是您的页面将要使用的组件。)

12. Marx labor theory of value points out " labor creates value, the only fountainhead that vivid labor is commodity value creation " . (翻译:马克思劳动价值论指出“劳动创造价值,活劳动是商品价值创造的惟一源泉”。)

13. ATT, Verizon, T-Mobile, all the way down the track. (翻译:ATT、Verizon、T -Mobile...)

14. The gold of today is mobile, and mobile is the enabler that makes all of this possible. (翻译:今天的移动设备技术就是金子, 移动技术使这一切成为可能。)

15. The target's a Yotsubishi Labor, Tyrant 2000. (翻译:目标是四菱重工制土木作业用LABOR 型号为霸王2000)

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