mole channel是什么意思 mole channel的中文翻译、读音、例句

mole channel是什么意思 mole channel的中文翻译、读音、例句

mole channel通常被翻译为"地下排水道"的意思,在英美地区还有"地下排水道"的意思,发音是[molechannel],mole channel在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到55个与mole channel相关的例句。

Mole channel的词典翻译


例句:The only thing worse than a mole is a rat. (出卖别人的家伙比叛徒更恶劣 The only thing worse than a mole is a rat.)


mole channel一般作为名词使用,如在mole(①摩尔②鼹鼠③痣 )、channel(①频道②水道 )、in the channel([经] 在途货物)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the channel[经] 在途货物
the Channelna. 英吉利海峡\n[网络] 通道;频道;似箭如梭
duck mole鸭嘴兽
false mole[医] 假胎块
flat mole[医] 扁平痣
fleshy mole[医] 肉样胎块
giant mole巨鼠型掘进机


1. - Is the mole sending another message? (翻译:这是那个内奸发送的消息吗 他们还没结束对话)

2. Is there lachrymal mole to mean on man face manage? (翻译:男人脸上有泪痣意味着么司啊? )

3. Watch Discovery Channel and you'll learn everything. (翻译:看Discovery Channel国家探索频道 就学会了)

4. The Discovery Channel of course. (翻译:当然是探索频道 The Discovery Channel of course.)

5. The mole killed him before he could go public. (翻译:Gonzalez肯定发现了谁是内奸 Gonzalez must have figured out there was a mole.)

6. Sometimes your senses got strong As your brain processes the new input, Other times the thread snaps, (翻译:有时 在你大脑分析新的感应事物时 Sometimes your senses got strong sightless mole like me.)

7. On the Internet, everybody can have a channel. (翻译:everybody can have a channel.)

8. And then we're going to need the total number of moles, because we're going to be doing mole ratios, mole fractions. (翻译:然后我们需要知道,总摩尔数,所以我们要计算,摩尔比摩尔分数。)

9. Expression of laminine and laminine receptor in hydatidiform mole and invasive mole and the significance (翻译:层粘连蛋白及其受体在葡萄胎、侵蚀性葡萄胎中的表达及意义)

10. Aggression correctly channel overcomes a lot of flaws. (翻译:攻击中要害能克服许多缺点 Aggression correctly channel overcomes a lot of flaws.)

11. Mole, schmole, I ain't letting them make sundaes out of my chicken. (翻译:Mole,schmole,我不是让他们用我的鸡做圣代。)

12. The one with the cute little mole on it. (翻译:切下那颗有小痣的 The one with the cute little mole on it.)

13. This is the number of carbons there is in a mole of carbon. (翻译:这是碳的数量,这是一摩尔的碳。)

14. The Mole ventured to ask. (翻译:鼹鼠壮着胆子问。)

15. What about this mole situation? (翻译:那这个叛徒的问题怎么办? What about this mole situation?)

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