molluscigerous是什么意思 molluscigerous的中文翻译、读音、例句

molluscigerous是什么意思 molluscigerous的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In 1966, Peyton Rous got the Nobel Prize for realizing that chickens had a transmissible form of sarcoma. (xx年,佩顿·劳斯获得了诺贝尔奖 他发现了鸡群中一种 传染性的肉瘤。)

例句:The clones in question are Asian clams, or Corbicula fluminea, a species of freshwater mollusc that originated in China and Taiwan. (入侵者就是亚洲亚洲蛤——原产于中国的一种淡水软体动物。)


1. Conclusion These results suggest that the level of serum ECP can reflect the inflammation in the bronchial tube and the activated state of eosinocyte more sensitively than IgE. (翻译:结论血清ECP水平能更准确反映哮喘患儿嗜酸粒细胞活化状态和气道炎症变化,是诊断、判断病情及指导治疗的可靠指标。)

2. In some people IgE is also produced in response to other substances such as pollen and certain foods, resulting in allergies. (翻译:在某些人体内,IqE同样也用来对抗别的物质,比如花粉和某些食物,这时就会引起过敏。)

3. Analyzing clinical significance of skin prink test, total IgE and ECP in serum in children with asthma (翻译:儿童哮喘过敏原皮肤点刺试验和血清总IgE及ECP检测的临床意义)

4. S. counterparts, and they lack the prest ige of the higher displace ment and the higher cylinder count of the five. (翻译:他们更有效率,更昂贵,制造了他们的美国同行,他们缺乏较高的位移信誉和较高的五缸数。)

5. Initial Study of Anaphylaxis Models and IgE Level in Meriones unguiculatus infected with the Echinococcus multilocularis (翻译:多房棘球蚴感染长爪沙鼠过敏反应模型的建立与IgE水平测定)

6. And now, like am 'rous birds of prey. (翻译:就现在,让我们像热恋中的猛禽。)

7. Its stomach contents mainly consist of hydrophyte, miscellaneous fishes, shrimps, mollusc, aquatic insects and worms. (翻译:胃内物组成有植物、小杂鱼、虾类、贝类、水生昆虫和蠕虫。)

8. And you lumbering here, spitting food, haven't the brains god gave a mollusc... (翻译:再看看你 在这儿碍手碍脚 乱吐食物 整个一忘带脑子的软体动物)

9. There had not a vest ige of the abbey remains. (翻译:修道院的遗迹已荡然无存。)

10. Rous sarcoma virus contains the src gene that triggers tumor formation. (翻译:劳斯肉瘤病毒包含触发肿瘤形成的 src 基因。)

11. They measured levels of IgE from the umbilical cord blood of 387 newborns in Boston. (翻译:他们测量了波士顿387个新生儿的脐带血中免疫球蛋白e的含量。)

12. They build small fires in the sterns, grilling crustaceans and boiling thin mollusc stews. (翻译:他们在船尾生火启灶,或炙烤海贝,或煮炖海鲜。)

13. Not all food allergies are mediated by IgE. (翻译:不过,并非所有食物过敏都是由IgE介导的。)

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