molybdofornacite是什么意思 molybdofornacite的中文翻译、读音、例句

molybdofornacite是什么意思 molybdofornacite的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:I hate to cite a cliche, but Dad on the streets? (我讨厌扯出一些陈词滥调 但是流浪街头的父亲?)


例句:The content of NA decreases remarkably in CLF encephalopathy . (NA在大鼠CLF所致肝性脑病时明显下降。)


1. We must not let Na Na be Seo Yong Hak's bodyguard for this. (翻译:娜娜 一定要让她不能参加 这次徐龙学的警卫才是)

2. MOL in South Africa have confirmed they do not offer a service into Mombasa. (翻译:南非MOL确认说他们没有去蒙巴萨岛的服务。)

3. Oh, Mol. Molly, come on, stay out here with us. (翻译:噢 Mol Molly 来吧 和我们待在外面吧)

4. They don't know from nothing. (翻译:-Na zdorovije。他们不什么也不知道。)

5. NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. (翻译:NA: xx年来《也门时报》 经历了许多跌宕起伏。)

6. Some changes in spectra are interpreted in terms of the different mol. packing and interaction of chain. (翻译:从不同的分子堆积结构和分子间相互作用的角度讨论了光谱变化。)

7. The latter describe the act of killing as zei, but do not cite the legal rules which impose liability for zei sha. (翻译:后者将杀害这一行为描述为“贼”,但是没有援引关于“贼杀”的法律规定。)

8. ~ Na, na, do, re, mi, baby ~ (翻译:# Na, na, do, re, mi, baby #)

9. NA: Well there is a saying that says, "You fear what you don't know, and you hate what you fear." (翻译:NA: 有句谚语说: “未知带来恐惧, 恐惧带来厌恨。”)

10. (bar patrons) * Na na na na, hey, hey, hey Goodbye (翻译:我们走 ◎ Na na na na. Hey.)

11. NA-9 on the north side will be Robe Editor-in-Chief Erina Kawashima. (翻译:北边的NA -9 是《Robe》主编川岛爱莉奈)

12. It would be an endless task to cite such living examples. (翻译:这样的实例举不胜举。)

13. Only Se Na company chairman seems like give Se Na very big pressure. (翻译:只是世娜公司会长 好像给世娜很大的压力了)

14. The officials didn't cite particular reports. (翻译:官员们没有引用特定的报道。)

15. Even if the wife in the side of the strippers, do not race more exciting than the Na Changqiu. (翻译:即使老婆在一旁跳脱衣舞,也不比那场球赛更精彩。)

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