momakha是什么意思 momakha的中文翻译、读音、例句

momakha是什么意思 momakha的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:My work is in museums all over the world, such as MoMA. (我在世界各地的博物馆工作, 如纽约现代艺术博物馆。)


例句:So it's an acquisition where MoMA makes an arrangement with an airline and keeps the Boeing 747 flying. (这是一个收藏品,现代艺术博物馆与航空公司达成了一个协议, 让波音747继续飞翔。)


例句:Kha-Beleth wants to destroy you, the Griffin army hunts you for killing their king, and now something even worse comes. (卡贝勒斯想要除掉你,你又杀了狮鹫国王,帝国大军正在搜捕你,现在,一件更糟糕的事马上将接踵而至。)


momakha一般作为名词使用,如在Momakha([地名] 莫马卡 ( 缅 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Momakha[地名] 莫马卡 ( 缅 )


1. Kha-Beleth wants to destroy you, the Griffin army hunts you for killing their king, and now something even worse comes. (翻译:卡贝勒斯想要除掉你,你又杀了狮鹫国王,帝国大军正在搜捕你,现在,一件更糟糕的事马上将接踵而至。)

2. If we lose that in the MoMA performance, if it's just a fake knife and ketchup, then we lost. (翻译:如果在MOMA的表演抓不住这点 或者只是把假刀和假的蕃茄酱 那就是失败)

3. So it's happened before, and it will happen in the future, but right now I can tell you that I am so, so proud to be able to call Pac-Man part of the MoMA collection. (翻译:这样的事情在以前发生过,在将来还会发生, 但是现在,我能告诉你们我是如此地骄傲, 能把«小精灵»称为现代艺术博物馆藏品的一部分。)

4. So, Safe is the last exhibition that I did at MoMA and it ended at the beginning of last year. (翻译:因此,“安全”是我在MoMA做的最后一个展览。它在去年年初结束了, )

5. That's from an exhibition that Paola Antonelli is organizing at MoMA later this year, during the summer. (翻译:这是今年夏天柏拉·安东内利 在纽约现代艺术博物馆 组织的一次展览。)

6. Use it in a rite - a rite that must be performed on Isabel by a powerful mage, to purge her of Kha-Beleth's taint. (翻译:这本卷轴必须在一次仪式上使用——伊莎贝尔需要接受强力魔法洗涤才能驱除她身上的受到的侵蚀。)

7. But an exhibition like that made me understand even more what I've been thinking of for 13 years ever since I got to MoMA. (翻译:但是这样一个展览让我对一个问题了解更多了, 自从我进入现代艺术博物馆我就开始思考这个问题,已有xx年了吧。)

8. I'll make you a list, you know, of, like... of his curator or the guy that wrote the monograph for him at the MOMA. (翻译:或者谁写了他的专着 在MAMO。- 是的)

9. You know, I find it interesting because you've got this Lady Gaga video out now and, and literally in today's "New York Post, " there's an article about... this exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (翻译:有趣的是 这段视频已经发布 纽约邮报今天 刊登了一篇关于MOMA展览的报道)

10. But an exhibition like that made me understand even more what I've been thinking of for 13 years ever since I got to MoMA. (翻译:但是这样一个展览让我对一个问题了解更多了, 自从我进入现代艺术博物馆我就开始思考这个问题,已有xx年了吧。)

11. Tieru Indeed. A Demon Messiah - more powerful even than Kha-Beleth. It might mean the end of everything. We need each other. (翻译:蒂耶鲁是的。一个可能比卡贝勒斯更强大魔鬼降临了——他的名字叫弥赛亚。这可能预示着世界末日,我们需要彼此合作。)

12. For reservations or further inquiries please call Education Department of Zendai MoMA or send us email. (翻译:咨询及预约方式请致电或发送电子邮件至证大现代艺术馆教育部。)

13. Just to give you an example: this is the exhibition, Humble Masterpieces, as it was at MoMA in 2004. (翻译:给你们举个例子吧, xx年MoMA举行了名为“谦虚设计”的展览。)

14. So behind these acquisitions is an enormous amount of work, because we're still the Museum of Modern Art, so even when we tackle popular culture, we tackle it as a form of interaction design and as something that has to go into the collection at MoMA, therefore, has to be researched. (翻译:在这些收购品的背后是无比巨大的工作量, 因为我们仍然是现代艺术博物馆, 所以纵使我们正视通俗文化, 我们视它为交互设计的一种形式, 现代艺术博物馆必须收藏的藏品。因此,它必须被研究。)

15. And this is a work from 2013 that's going to be reinstalled, have a new life in the reopening of MOMA. (翻译:这是 2013 年的作品, 即将被重新安装, 在新开放的MOMA艺术馆重生。)

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