monact是什么意思 monact的中文翻译、读音、例句

monact是什么意思 monact的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 如果'monact'是一个人名或者品牌名:

- I heard Monact is launching a new skincare line next month. (我听说Monact下个月将推出一条新的护肤产品线。)

- Monact, the famous jewelry designer, created a stunning necklace for the actress. (著名珠宝设计师Monact为这位女演员设计了一条华丽的项链。)

2. 如果'monact'是一个动词,可能是一个形式不规范的单数第一人称现在时,正确的拼写应为'monacte',意思是'行动'或者'采取行动':

- I know I should monacte and start exercising, but it's so hard to find the motivation. (我知道我应该行动起来开始锻炼,但是很难找到动力。)

- The company needs to monacte quickly if it wants to avoid bankruptcy. (如果这个公司想要避免破产,就需要迅速采取行动。)

3. 如果'monact'是一个名词,可能是一个新的产品、技术、药物等的名称,但是暂时找不到相关信息和例句。





例句:Mon Dieu ! My peace of mind is gone. (我的上帝!我又不得安静了。)


1. If you act like that bee acts (翻译:*如果你像蜜蜂那样 If you act like that bee acts)

2. My treasure's more beautiful. (翻译:我的宝物更加美丽 Mon trésor est encore plus beau.)

3. Caught her act in St. Louis. (翻译:Caught her act in St. Louis.)

4. - That's it. You will be happy. (翻译:我觉得您俩会高兴的 A mon avis, vous en serez contents!)

5. Act on your behalf and solve this problem... (翻译:act on your behalf 去解决这个问题... and solve this problem...)

6. It would look fine in my living room. (翻译:和我的客厅多么相配 Ça iraient bien dans mon salon.)

7. My information tells me that boy was using her. (翻译:Is this the way a princess should act?)

8. Ah, it is formidable, mon coeur. (翻译:Ah,真令人敬畏, mon coeur.)

9. For the love of God, act like it! (翻译:得有个王后的样子 For the love of God, act like it!)

10. You act like you are out there curing cancer. (翻译:You act like you are out there curing cancer.)

11. - Yes, of course, darling. (翻译:说过 亲爱的 Mais si, mon amour.)

12. he... no, he's at Mon Copain. (翻译:他... ... 不,他是在周一Copain。)

13. My treasure's more precious than stones. (翻译:Mon trésor est beaucoup plus précieux que des pierres.)

14. Flounder, shh! Move it, move it, move it, mon. (翻译:小比目鱼 嘘 动起来 动起来 动起来 大伙儿)

15. ♪ Avec mon regime vegetarien ♪ (翻译:§ AVEC周一政权végétarien §)

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