monopaternal是什么意思 monopaternal的中文翻译、读音、例句

monopaternal是什么意思 monopaternal的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I'd hate to see Jack's paternal instincts compromise our objectives. (我可不想看到杰克做为父亲的本能 危害到我们的计划)

例句:They head 200 miles inland to a barren salty lagoon known as Mono Lake. (它们向内陆前进200英里 来到一个贫瘠的盐碱湖—莫诺湖)


1. I appreciate you being paternal. (翻译:感谢你尽到了父亲的责任 I appreciate you being paternal.)

2. Since Mono is not just the implementation of the two ECMA standards, Icaza considers as necessary that (翻译:由于Mono不仅仅实现了这两个ECMA标准,故Icaza还是有所担心)

3. He gave me a piece of paternal advice. (翻译:他给了我慈父般的忠告。)

4. The preparation of mono-cloned antibody of sulfamerazine was studied. (翻译:研究了磺胺间甲嘧啶单克隆抗体的制备。)

5. Initially, Pauline and Hermann had planned to name the boy Abraham, after his paternal grandfather. (翻译:最初,波琳与赫尔曼打算让孩子随他爷爷起名为亚伯拉罕。)

6. My paternal grandfather was the Atreides, descendant of the House of Atreus and tracing his ancestry directly back to the Greek original. (翻译:我的祖父是亚崔迪公爵,阿特柔斯家族的后代,祖先一直追溯到古希腊的起源。)

7. Since Mono is not just the implementation of the two ECMA standards, Icaza considers as necessary that. (翻译:由于Mono不仅仅实现了这两个ECMA标准,故icaza还是有所担心。)

8. Dr Hsueh suggests that part of the answer may lie in a conflict between maternal and paternal genes. (翻译:Hsueh博士说:部分原因可能是因为母方和父方基因的冲突。)

9. I was brought up by my paternal aunt. (翻译:我是由姑姑拉大的。)

10. He doesn't want them to know so I said he has mono. (翻译:他并不想让他们知道 所以我说,他有单声道。)

11. To separate the archive file mono-2.8.2.tar: tar -xvf mono-2.8.2.tar.bz2. (翻译:要分离存档文件mono - 2.8.2 . tar: tar - xvf mono - 2.8.2 . tar . bz 2。)

12. Romney's paternal grandfather Gaskell was monogamous and the Mormon Church outlawed polygamy in 1890. (翻译:罗姆尼的祖父加斯克尔是一夫一妻制,并在xx年的摩门教取缔一夫多妻制。)

13. The LADWP leases the campgrounds sites to County or Mono County for a nominal administrative fee. (翻译:这个地点的露营LADWP租赁或单声道县县为标称行政费用。)

14. Her paternal family history was not known. Medications on admission included metoprolol, meclizine, and acetylsalicylic acid. (翻译:入院时使用的药物包括美托洛尔、美克洛嗪和乙酰水杨酸。)

15. They're just victims of a long-time autocracy, expecting a paternal state to solve all their problems. (翻译:他们是长期的独裁统治的受害者, 向往着一个父亲般的国家 能解决他们所有的问题。)

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