mooring block是什么意思 mooring block的中文翻译、读音、例句

mooring block是什么意思 mooring block的中文翻译、读音、例句

mooring block通常被翻译为"港内用"的意思,作为名词时有"系泊锚"的意思,发音是[mooringblock],mooring block在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到81个与mooring block相关的句子。

Mooring block的词典翻译


例句:They decided to take a block-by-block-by-block strategy. (他们决定采取一个街区 接着一个街区的策略。)


例句:It has broken loose from its mooring and drifted into an upside-down position. (自由冒险飞行船失去了平衡目前正呈现倒立状态)


mooring block一般作为名词使用,如在mooring(n. 系泊, 系留, 停泊处, 系船处)、if block([计] 如果分程序)、in block(全部,一起,整个)等常见短语中出现较多。

mooringn. 系泊, 系留, 停泊处, 系船处
if block[计] 如果分程序
in block全部,一起,整个
the blockna. 成套\n[网络] 重返街头;块;街区
to block阻挡
dolphin mooring桩柱系泊
dump mooringun. 固定系船设施
emergency mooringun. 紧急系泊
elasticity of mooring系泊弹性


1. Mr Smyth believes there is still plenty of room for growth in Block's core business. (翻译:史密斯坚信Block的核心业务还存在很大的发展空间。)

2. He cut the engine and grabbed the mooring lines. (翻译:他关掉发动机,抓住了系船的绳索。)

3. And mooring cables would thrum in the currents, like a guitar string. (翻译:固定用的缆索,像吉他弦一样,在水流中会振荡出声。)

4. Does it involve a midget and a block of ice? (翻译:这是不是跟小矮人和冰山有关? Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?)

5. Impulsive mooring line froce may be an important factor leading to rupture of the mooring line. (翻译:振转运动中的突发系缆载荷可能是导致缆绳断裂的重要原因。)

6. The captain piloted the boat into a mooring. (翻译:船长把船驶向泊位。)

7. Mooring bollards being fabricated from steel tube and solid bar. (翻译:系泊柱正在编造由钢管和固体酒吧。)

8. Nothing can seal better around a mooring line than a Red Valve Hawse pipe valve. (翻译:没有任何其他产品能够比美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门更有效地环绕密封缆索。)

9. You do a loop around the block and make sure that he (翻译:你从这个街区绕过去 You do a loop around the block and make sure that he)

10. This much would level a city block. (翻译:这点就能夷平一个街区 This much would level a city block.)

11. Block the gate. I got to finish this off. (翻译:堵住门口 开始行动 {\3cH202020}Block the gate.)

12. The stowage and mooring of vessels and floating facilities shall be in conformity with the technical safety standards of the State. (翻译:船舶、浮动设施的配载和系固应当符合国家安全技术规范。)

13. I am prepared to resign if you block this one! (翻译:你不批项目我就辞职 I am prepared to resign if you block this one!)

14. 'Cause if my heart can't stop it I find a way to block it, I go (翻译:I find a way to block it I go)

15. And then -- this is the key part -- that block is linked to the previous block and the previous block to create a chain of blocks. (翻译:随后是关键的部分, 该区块连接到前一个区块, 以及更前面的区块 形成了一连串的区块。)

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