moraira是什么意思 moraira的中文翻译、读音、例句

moraira是什么意思 moraira的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Yeah, so go and do it. It's my punishment is it? (因为如果你知道一个IRA枪手住在我的地盘上,)

例句:Fuck the Ira! All these years of war and they've got us nowhere. (他妈的爱尔兰共和军 这么多年战争都不成功)


例句:I'm Ira Stein, your father's accountant. (我是 Ira 史坦,你的 父亲的会计员。)


例句:Fiona is not an innocent bystander. She's third generation IRA. (翻译:Fiona可不是什么无辜的旁观者 她是第三代爱尔兰共和军)


1. I'm Ira Stein, your father's accountant. (翻译:我是 Ira 史坦,你的 父亲的会计员。)

2. Fiona is not an innocent bystander. She's third generation IRA. (翻译:Fiona可不是什么无辜的旁观者 她是第三代爱尔兰共和军)

3. My Sultan, Constantine asked help... from Mora just like you were expecting. (翻译:陛下 正如您所预料的... 君士坦丁向莫拉请示支援了)

4. You were using I was providing ETA and the IRA. (翻译:你还是小孩子的时候我就己经给... 巴斯克祖国与自由党,还有爱尔兰共和军提供武器)

5. Ira has already made some calls, but I want... (翻译:Ira 已经作一些呼叫了, 但是我想要。)

6. You know, in northern Ireland, the ira nailed snitches to the kitchen floor. (翻译:要知道,在爱尔兰北部,爱尔兰共和军钉告密者到厨房的地板。)

7. Eduardo Mora, leader of the National Farmers Union, was on the Mendiola Bridge. (翻译:国家农民工会领导人,EduardoMora曾在Mendiola大桥上。)

8. Why is a former british soldier doing business with the ira? (翻译:为什么一名英国老兵会跟爱尔兰共和军有牵连 Why is a former British soldier doing business with the IRA?)

9. Well... Well, like everything in life, you need the luck. (翻译:儒里・麦克利什对IRA很忠诚,直到最后一刻,对不对?)

10. People are gonna think we just broke up or something, Ira. (翻译:别人会以为我们刚刚分手 或者其他什么的,艾勒)

11. This is a statement from the acting OC of the IRA in this area. (翻译:这是一个这片地区爱尔兰共和军指挥官的声明)

12. Former high-ranking leaders of the IRA now make up the ruling council of the real IRA. (翻译:这些前共和军高级领导人 目前是共和军强硬派委员会的执行委员)

13. The only IRA I work with is the one my accountant feeds at tax time. (翻译:只有一个IRA和我有关系 是我的会计替我报税的那个机构 IRA就是美国的国税局,和爱尔兰共和军的缩写一样)

14. IRA This is Ira Flatow and you're listening to NPR's Science Friday. (翻译:我是Ira Flatow 您正在收听的 是NPR的科学星期五)

15. And yet he spent two nights in the loft where she killed herself. (翻译:对IRA很重要。但是他们不是大部分都在监狱里吗。)

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